Friday, May 14, 2010

The years are going by so fast it really is bewilderin'

The only purpose of this entry is to tell you what happened in two of my classes this week:

First, with my adults class, C2. They were talking about what they do on the weekends, one of them said he goes dancing, "in a table dance?" another student asked. The first one, kind of upset asked me how to say 'pole' in English, and said roughly "I don't dance on a pole!"

"I heard that they're called 'pipes'" said a third one, and from that point on the rest of my class I had to explain (with words, not actions) what's the difference between a pipe and a pole. XD

The second example was with my teenagers class, I thought I was so lucky for not getting children this time but I'm starting to regret it. We are talking about celebrations and holidays this unit, so one of the assignments was to write the month and date of different celebrations, one of them looked really confused and asked me "Teacher, I don't know when the Beatles are coming to Puebla!" and I went all "Huh?"

After a closer inspection, I had to tell her that it didn't say Beatles of Puebla, it says the BATTLE of Puebla. Everyone laughed and all, even her for a while. "Good luch with that! Two of them are already dead!" they kept saying to her. I admit I laughed too but I still can't help to worry about her, was that for real?

Song of the day: My Hope by Molly Lewis, because I just can't stop listening to her CD. I wish, I wish, I wish, I had it physical form.

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