Saturday, May 29, 2010

don't care if you're tangled in my sheets or if you're strangled in my street

New blog...

Things haven't changed to much lately, I'm still working, still broke, still saving money for the trip. I went out with people from work last night, I still don't think we could be friends, we just have very different definitions of what "having fun" means.

Sometimes, I'm actually glad I'm getting out of that place.

I have a crush, and it's bad, bad, bad. I can't say more about it, but it's going to drive me crazy for the next week or so and I hate it.

Sexy: 5 o'clock shade, shown in this picture by the lovely mess that is Gabe Saporta. Drool.
Unsexy: Drunk guys. You're NOT funny, you are NOT hot, you're only embarrassing yourself.
Song of the Day: God Bless Your Heart by The Films. Love, love, love.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Teacher's day

this one goes out to all the so-called teachers I know.
and to all the real teachers who taught me something and will forever be a part of my life.

The first life lesson I remember is not a teacher, but from my kindergarten's principal, she taught me that the correct way to pass a knife is by putting it on the table and letting the other person take it, NOT by pointing the blade at them. What did she expect when sending a FOUR year old to get a knife to cut a teacher's birthday cake?
So, Barbarita, thanks for scaring the crap out of me enough to make me remember this for the rest of my life.

At the age of 4, almost 5 I started to read, not because I was a prodigy, but because I had my sister (age 6) teach me how to read and write. Yes, it is possible, she got back from school and taught me everything she had learned that day at school. She used to hit me whenever I didn't read the sentence in its entirety and made me write lines in the back of my mother's paintings.
So, Perla, thank you for putting me ahead of my peers and making my first grade teacher hate me for the complete year.

Next in line is my fourth grade teacher, when I was in her class I used to get so nervous that I bit my nails everytime we had a quiz, she told me that if I kept bitting my nails, my fingers would look like ET's fingers.
So, thank you teacher Isabel for making me have nightmares where I could see ET's body with my head on it. It was enough to make me stop.

Then when I was in Junior High School I had a teacher who was a math genius, he was terrible at teaching, but a genius. He was so nerdy and used to wear coke bottle bottom glasses and he would give his classes writing problems and facing the board ALL the time. I've hated math forever, but I will always admire his passion for it. I had to go back to school a week after graduation to pick up a diploma and I met him walking down the hall, he asked me how my sister (who was graduating high school at the time) was doing, I told him she was applying to go to engineering school, he got really happy and said he didn't expect any less from both of us, he said he had the brains to go to engineering, do a masters degree, or even become doctors I we wanted to.
So thank you teacher Mario for making me feel bad because at the time I was planning to do a major in English or languages and he obviously didn't feel that was good enough.

I always like to say I learned English by watching action movies along with my dad, we bonded over stunts and explosions, he always loved the plot and the suspense, I was paying more attention to the words and pronuntiation, okok, and sometimes also to shirtless guys on the screen.
So, thank you Bruce Willis for teaching me fluency and how to fucking swear.

From my college years, I started studying and finally found my home. I learned from great translators who were sometimes working two jobs at the time. When we asked them if it was easy to get a job as a translator these days they kept saying that if we looked hard enough we could get any job that we wanted.
Thank you teacher Maria Eugenia, Adriana and Gaby for making me realize I'd have to end up teaching at some point in my life with career I had choosen (but at the same time making me realize it wouldn't be so bad :D )

Of course there are many many more people who have inspired me at least once in my life, people who were my teachers and even people I have worked along with. And not only them but also students who have taught me that being in front of a classroom isn't as terrible as I once thought it would be.


Friday, May 14, 2010

The years are going by so fast it really is bewilderin'

The only purpose of this entry is to tell you what happened in two of my classes this week:

First, with my adults class, C2. They were talking about what they do on the weekends, one of them said he goes dancing, "in a table dance?" another student asked. The first one, kind of upset asked me how to say 'pole' in English, and said roughly "I don't dance on a pole!"

"I heard that they're called 'pipes'" said a third one, and from that point on the rest of my class I had to explain (with words, not actions) what's the difference between a pipe and a pole. XD

The second example was with my teenagers class, I thought I was so lucky for not getting children this time but I'm starting to regret it. We are talking about celebrations and holidays this unit, so one of the assignments was to write the month and date of different celebrations, one of them looked really confused and asked me "Teacher, I don't know when the Beatles are coming to Puebla!" and I went all "Huh?"

After a closer inspection, I had to tell her that it didn't say Beatles of Puebla, it says the BATTLE of Puebla. Everyone laughed and all, even her for a while. "Good luch with that! Two of them are already dead!" they kept saying to her. I admit I laughed too but I still can't help to worry about her, was that for real?

Song of the day: My Hope by Molly Lewis, because I just can't stop listening to her CD. I wish, I wish, I wish, I had it physical form.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm alone on a bicycle for two.

I failed BEDA miserably.

I seriously thought I'd be able to blog everyday for a whole month. Silly me.
The last two days that I missed were completely full for me that I wasn't even able to check my emails, let alone blog. I did some work, work, work and then we went to a baseball game with my uncle and my parents, which even though I don't like to hang out that much with my dad's side of the family, it was nice to see them for a little while.

They made fun of me because the last couple of games I've gone to, our team lost. A friend told me I make the players nervous so they lose because of me. But honestly I hardly ever have a chance to go.

Then on Sunday we went to this family gathering from my cousins church group. My family and I do not love the wilderness, or the sun, or the outdoors, but it was great to go support them and the look on my cousin's face, he's a sub-chief in his group and he just looked so damn happy, I love him for that. And for dancing with my aunt like a maniac to win the dancing competition. They ended up in 3rd place but everybody else agreed they deserved to win.

And now, I think I like this guy, but he clearly likes someone else I know and it's just like when I met Clau for the first time and I don't know what to do.

I think I'll just go keep day dreaming about certain hot baseball player who I have my eye on and A's friend is supposed to help me get a picture with him.

On a sad note, the boards are down, this used to be very common in the past, but now I believe they're gone for good. These boards saved my life, literally. I've met people there who I just know are going to be my friends for life. But it's still sad because I know becoming a part of the boards made me realize I was a geek, and that there was nothing wrong with it. It's like my childhood has finally ended, some of the guys have gone to the older, temprary boards we used time to time when the original ones were down, but I don't know if I want to start all over again.

Also, my friend F, is absolutely amazing and I adore her for getting me a present even tho I don't think I deserve one, cause I'm so mean and always forget to text her back or check her messages.

Btw, today is awesome because my nails look like THIS

That's all for now.

Sexy: Floral prints. I hate spring because here it starts getting very very hot and we say good bye to the winter but the only part that I like is there are flowers everywhere and I plant to wear them all season long.
Unsexy: Clueless boys.
Song of the day: Black Hole by She & Him. I'm amazed at how good their lyrics are, I love them.

Speak slowly, I can't hear you
My mind keeps spinning closer and closer
To the rain on the roof
And the rain in my head
And the things that you said
Keep on taking further ahead