According to wikipedia, marriage is:
"... a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged by a variety of ways, depending on the culture or demographic. Such a union may also be called matrimony, while the ceremony that marks its beginning is usually called a wedding and the marital structure created is known as wedlock."

For the last couple of months I've been invited to more weddings than I could imagine. One of the ones getting married told me is because "we're at THAT age." Sigh. I've told everyone how it's hard to find the time and the money to buy a wedding gift, and a new dress because I have a million things to do lately and because everyone has seen all the dresses I own. But deep down is more than that.
Every single one of my friends who has gotten married distance themselves; and I understand, they are entering a new stage in their lives where they need to be selfish and spend most of their time getting to know their significant others in a much deeper level, but that doesn't mean I don't miss them. And even if I do get to see them is different now, we are not just hanging out doing whatever, now we're having "dinners" and everything is more proper because now theyre Mrs. This or Mr. That.
I guess it's just frustrating because at this point of my life I feel like I don't need someone to be perfectly happy. It's not that I would never want to get married is just that I don't feel like I'm there yet. I have difficulties being with the same person for a few months, let alone for spending the rest of my life with someone.
The same friend who told me about THAT age said she didn't understand my way of thinking, seeing as I come from a perfect example of what a healthy marriage seems to be I should love weddings and the whole thing. Trust me, my parents aren't the perfect picture of what a marriage should be, but I do believe they are perfect for each other.
And having that example is what makes me think that way, I just don't want to find someone to share a house with. I think it needs to feel right. I need to find someone who is nerdy, likes Harry Potter and the internet and who doesn't criticize my taste in music and who likes the same movies as I do. And I'm not exactly looking for that right now anyway, so this could take a while.
Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies: Will they, won't they, and then they finally do and they're happy forever -- gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half the ones that get married get divorced, anyway. And I'm telling you right now, through all this stuff, I have not become a cynic, I haven't. Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies and, you know, in some cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care, 'cause I do...believe in it. Bottom the couples that are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but, the big difference is, they don't let it take 'em down.
...One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time, if it's right, and they're real lucky. One of them will say something.
- Dr Cox.
'Scrubs' - 1.15 "My Bed Banter & Beyond"
P.S. I got home yesterday night, after being out the whole day, to find out my mother has gone to Texas to visit my aunt again. Seriously it's like I don't live in this house anymore, NOBODY tells me anything :(
But it's cool she's going to bring my halloween costume and hopefully a couple of Maureen Johnson's books back with her.
ok bye now
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