Family affairs are still delicate; I'm working very hard and my sleeping patterns are shit, as usual. I missed the pet convention because of the things I just mentioned. We try to go every year because it doesn't matter how awful your week has been, or the smell of hundreds of dogs pooping and peeing all day; puppies will ALWAYS cheer me up. They're magical like that.
So we go and we kiss them and I usually buy Chikis a new sweater and we always take a picture with the albino ball python:

I LOVE it.
But anyway, onto more cheerful things.
I finally decided what I'm going to be for Halloween! I don't want to say what yet but I can only say it's not going to be Sally from NBC, even tho I would die to look like her (get it? XD)
More of my friends are getting married, which is a GREAT thing, except I don't really need to go look for cute dresses again when I'm already broke.
Speaking of not having any money, COLDPLAY IS PLAYING IN MY CITY. AND I'M DEFINITELY GONNA BE THERE. Even if I run out of money to buy food ^_^
And last but not least, MY FREAKING JOHN GREEN BOBBLEHEAD ARRIVED THIS WEEK. I had it delivered to Texas and it had been sitting around there for a while but now it's here and it's even more awesome then what I imagined it would be. I'm just afraid I might break it. I'm going to make a video about it when I get the chance which might not be til next weekend.
Well, that's it from me; I hope this will do for another week or so.
much love.
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