Saturday, April 3, 2010


안녕하세요 !!!

Since today I did not do much, except for cleaning, sleeping, chatting and eating (yes, in that order), I found an internet meme to help me write something for everyday! I'm passing the first two days and going straight to today's which is:

Day 03 — Your favorite television program

Now, this is an easy one. GILMORE GIRLS. I remember seeing the promo for the first episode, when Lorelai tells the guy at Luke's diner that Rory is her daughter and Rory with her big blue eyes asks "Are you my new daddy?" and I was hooked. I watched every single episode until it ended. They stopped the reruns here, so I have to watch them on DVD, but I only have season 1 and 3 (presents from my sister), I guess she thought it would be funny to give me my most and least favorite seasons. (season 1 is the good one btw) Anyway, for my birthday this year I'm giving myself the complete series :)

Another tv show I love is Roswell. I ADORED Roswell, while everybody was busy worshiping Dawson's Creek, which is good but not as good as Roswell. Anyway, I was in love with Jason Behr and how freakishly in love he was of Liz Paker. I was also terribly sad when it got canceled. Reruns ended pretty soon after, obviously and I don't have the DVDs either :(

Everwood! I almost forget about Everwood, I usually go for comedies but I was in love of Ephram Brown. A sarcastic, musical genius who was completely cluless about how cute he was. Ephram Brown is my type of guy in real life.

And last but not least, Friends. Because it's Friends, almost everyone I know likes Friends. In fact, when students ask me what my favorite tv show is I always tell them Friends because not a lot of people have heard of the other 3.

Now I know all of these have ended so the only things I watch regularly right now is Glee, the Big Bang Theory and American Idol. Desperate Housewives whenever I have the time. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy since George died. And well I told you I started watching Skins online.

Well, I guess that's it for today. I'm off to see a baseball game!
Have fun, be safe, take care

Sexy: Jason Behr, Gregory Smith, and Jared Padalecki.
Unsexy: I dunno. Not having food in your fridge. Not having eaten a single smore in this whole spring break aaand now owning your favorite series on DVD.
Song of the day: One Line by PJ Harvey from the Gilmore Girls Soundtrack :)

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