Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"I miss you," is not enough.
So if you're wondering about the lovely couple I talked about yesterday, they worked it out. He found a job here, which may not be as good as what he was going to get in another place but at least it's something until he can find something better.
I felt good hearing that. Sometimes they don't realize how much of an impact they have on my life. Like if they're in a final exam and they're having problems I'm the one who gets worried, I need to bring a stress ball with me or something, it's too stressful to watch them answering.
I just found out a friend of mine, who I met through the internet is getting married. I'm happy for her, she's one of the nicest people I know.
I had to stop for a while, my cousin just tried to strangle me with one of her hairs LOL
Sexy: Guys who talk about grammar with you. I'm sorry, I'm a nerd.
Unsexy: Being constantly interrupted during class because people can't turn off their cell phones.
Song of the day: 1000 times a day by The Early November
"And every time I see you, I still hear trumpets."
I felt good hearing that. Sometimes they don't realize how much of an impact they have on my life. Like if they're in a final exam and they're having problems I'm the one who gets worried, I need to bring a stress ball with me or something, it's too stressful to watch them answering.
I just found out a friend of mine, who I met through the internet is getting married. I'm happy for her, she's one of the nicest people I know.
I had to stop for a while, my cousin just tried to strangle me with one of her hairs LOL
Sexy: Guys who talk about grammar with you. I'm sorry, I'm a nerd.
Unsexy: Being constantly interrupted during class because people can't turn off their cell phones.
Song of the day: 1000 times a day by The Early November
"And every time I see you, I still hear trumpets."
"Most people hav no idea what will make us happy. So we go after something we think will make us happy and might be temporarly elated when we get it." - From Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty.
I've been thinking about this all day since yesterday, are we ever truly completely happy?
I wanted to get into the program, I wanted it so bad it hurt, and not that I've gotten in, I'm happy, at least I think I am. But now I'm worried I won't have enough to live, and about the million little things I have to do before I leave and say to myself, "when I get there, I'll be happy" But that's not entirely true because once I get there I'll be missing my family and my home and it all seems to be thins continuing circle.
You never know exactly what will make you happy, you just think you know, and when you get it you need something else to give you hope, something to keep you going on, looking for more. But when is it enough?
Today I saw a clear example at work, I was outside of the classroom applying individual oral exams to my students, when I got back inside this newlywed girl at my class was crying, the bell rang almost after I got in and I got to hear the reason why she was an adult crying, in the middle of a classroom, surrounded by people who aren't really that close to her. Her husband lost her job recently and now he's moving away to get a job in another state, and maybe finish his master degree there. That's good right, after something bad happpened he's moving on to maybe better things. But she works in a hospital here and she wants to do her masters in an area of specialization that is not available at that other state.
She has to be supportive of her husband and she also has to keep her head up at work, with her family and now at school. There is just so much you can take. I felt bad for her, her husband studies English at our school too but I've never been his teacher. I've just seen them in the halls, saying good bye to each other, still glowing everytime they look at each other in the eyes. They truly do love each other and I wish nothing but the best for them. Hopefully, they'll be strong enough to make it through this.
I hope they can find happiness, as much as you can find being apart from the person you love. I hope they can find it almost as much as I wish I can.
Sexy: When guys blush and smile nervously. I think there's nothing cuter than that.
Unsexy: Guys who shave their legs.
Song of the day: Head Over Heels by Foreign Oren.
"So everything we believe about happiness is wrong," I said.
He nodded.
"Everything?" I asked, when what I meant was, Everything? Including you? Including me?
And Marcus, being Marcus, knew what I really wanted to know, and answered my silent, more significant question. He held up his hand to shield the rays and looked me in the eyes.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Don't call it a crush...
This week is going to be hectic, I just can feel it. I have a million little projects and a bunch of plans for the weekend.
I just hope everything can work out just fine.
Apart from being worried about that I still have my monetary problems to think about. If I make enough money for the plane ticket to the UK I won't have money for the living situation. One of my aunts came up with the idea of having a comedian do a show for us. Like, selling tickets for his show and then they'd give us a certain amount for those tickets. It worries me because there are like 300 or so tickets and what happens if we don't sell them all? And even if we do, those kind of ideas are used when a child needs a surgery or a family lost their house. Not because I'm going on the adventure of my life. I'd just feel guilty taking the money like that.
I just don't know what to do now. I never seem to know anyway.
Sexy: Flirting on msn. And when a boy tells you he's going to call and he actually does.
Unsexy: Getting three hours of sleep.
Song of the day: Little razorblade by the Pink Spiders. I heard the song yesterday and I remembered how much I loved them.
I just hope everything can work out just fine.
Apart from being worried about that I still have my monetary problems to think about. If I make enough money for the plane ticket to the UK I won't have money for the living situation. One of my aunts came up with the idea of having a comedian do a show for us. Like, selling tickets for his show and then they'd give us a certain amount for those tickets. It worries me because there are like 300 or so tickets and what happens if we don't sell them all? And even if we do, those kind of ideas are used when a child needs a surgery or a family lost their house. Not because I'm going on the adventure of my life. I'd just feel guilty taking the money like that.
I just don't know what to do now. I never seem to know anyway.
Sexy: Flirting on msn. And when a boy tells you he's going to call and he actually does.
Unsexy: Getting three hours of sleep.
Song of the day: Little razorblade by the Pink Spiders. I heard the song yesterday and I remembered how much I loved them.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
this is how it works
I've found a couple of new ( well, not new but new to me) blogs that I like to read, I just wish everybody would update more regularly, I love reading blogs, but I can't ask for much since I don't update when I'm supposed to.
I'm just gonna show you some pics today:

my life every day.

he's talking to me.

In more ways than one.
that's it for today
Sexy: Waking up after lunch time.
Unsexy: Sunshine. Can't it be winter again soon, please?
Song of the day: On the Radio by Regina Spektor.
I'm just gonna show you some pics today:

my life every day.

he's talking to me.

In more ways than one.
that's it for today
Sexy: Waking up after lunch time.
Unsexy: Sunshine. Can't it be winter again soon, please?
Song of the day: On the Radio by Regina Spektor.
This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath
I'm late late late
But only like 3 and a half hours late to post this.
As an excuse for this, I'll say it was a Saturday night and I was out being social like a normal person should be.
Today I: woke up to a phone call from one of the loveliest people on earth, hung out with that person for most of the day, watched tons of TV and then went with my aunt to buy beauty salon supplies. Later tonight I hung out with a bunch of people from work like if I actually could stand all of them.
You might never hear me saying this again, but I think I'm actually going to miss more of them than just D&D. Tonight's topics of conversation went from soccer, students, my pretty hair, food, shoes, students, the future of our work place, sunglasses and making fun of each other.
I already made plans for next saturday and hope hope hope they actually come through because they're pretty awesome :)
Sexy: Going in a car with your friends and honking at some random guy believing it's another friend. Hilarious.
Unsexy: Guys talking about poop and being gay with each other.
Song of the day: I thought it would be something from KoL cause that's what I've been listening all day, but then I came home and found Blue Skies singing Worry Rock from Green Day. Lovely &hearts Go listen to it now.
As an excuse for this, I'll say it was a Saturday night and I was out being social like a normal person should be.
Today I: woke up to a phone call from one of the loveliest people on earth, hung out with that person for most of the day, watched tons of TV and then went with my aunt to buy beauty salon supplies. Later tonight I hung out with a bunch of people from work like if I actually could stand all of them.
You might never hear me saying this again, but I think I'm actually going to miss more of them than just D&D. Tonight's topics of conversation went from soccer, students, my pretty hair, food, shoes, students, the future of our work place, sunglasses and making fun of each other.
I already made plans for next saturday and hope hope hope they actually come through because they're pretty awesome :)
Sexy: Going in a car with your friends and honking at some random guy believing it's another friend. Hilarious.
Unsexy: Guys talking about poop and being gay with each other.
Song of the day: I thought it would be something from KoL cause that's what I've been listening all day, but then I came home and found Blue Skies singing Worry Rock from Green Day. Lovely &hearts Go listen to it now.
Promise me no dead end streets
And I'll guarantee we'll have the road
Friday, April 23, 2010
now there's poetry in an empty coke can
I started re-reading the Jessica Darling seires yet again. Last night I fell asleep around 4am, only after I had finished Second Helpings. I can't believe how much I am loving them even after re-reading them a couple of times.
Today I:
Had a training at work, about things we have read and seen a million times but they seem to want to refresh our memories constantly. Still, we had to assessments and while I just know i rocked the 1st one, I failed miserably the 2nd.
I also found out I have to work early next friday, something about children's day. Suck.
One of my coworkers told me today I was the girl who was bad because she left. Because my last name is Malagon. Mala=Bad and Gon which sounds like gone. His simple sense of humor amuses me more than the joke itself.
Day 23 — A YouTube video
I'm a Youtube junkie! I couldn't just pick one, so here are a few of the examples from the newest additions to my "favorites"
Myles Dyer visits a nursing home. Hilarious. Love love love this one.
A young, and quite hot, John Green talks about this high school prank. LfA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Butch Walker. A genius even when he's drunk.
Alex Day reading Twilight for you. I love the commentary, he's already on chapter 13 at the moment but here is where it all began :)
Stevie from 5AG interviews Joe. Lovely. I miss Stevie SO much, he really was the reason why I suscribed to that channel, and now it's not the same without him.
One of my favorite songs ever. The Guillemots performing an acoustic version of Made up Love Song #43. Swoon.
Another version. Just as good.
Sexy: Fyfe Dangerfield and pecan ice cream.
Unsexy: Weird, gross guys who film themselves when they go to the bathroom. *shivers*
Song of the day: Made up Love Song #43 by the Guillemots. If a guy ever sang this to me, I'd just melt right there.
Today I:
Had a training at work, about things we have read and seen a million times but they seem to want to refresh our memories constantly. Still, we had to assessments and while I just know i rocked the 1st one, I failed miserably the 2nd.
I also found out I have to work early next friday, something about children's day. Suck.
One of my coworkers told me today I was the girl who was bad because she left. Because my last name is Malagon. Mala=Bad and Gon which sounds like gone. His simple sense of humor amuses me more than the joke itself.
Day 23 — A YouTube video
I'm a Youtube junkie! I couldn't just pick one, so here are a few of the examples from the newest additions to my "favorites"
Myles Dyer visits a nursing home. Hilarious. Love love love this one.
A young, and quite hot, John Green talks about this high school prank. LfA &hearts &hearts &hearts
Butch Walker. A genius even when he's drunk.
Alex Day reading Twilight for you. I love the commentary, he's already on chapter 13 at the moment but here is where it all began :)
Stevie from 5AG interviews Joe. Lovely. I miss Stevie SO much, he really was the reason why I suscribed to that channel, and now it's not the same without him.
One of my favorite songs ever. The Guillemots performing an acoustic version of Made up Love Song #43. Swoon.
Another version. Just as good.
Sexy: Fyfe Dangerfield and pecan ice cream.
Unsexy: Weird, gross guys who film themselves when they go to the bathroom. *shivers*
Song of the day: Made up Love Song #43 by the Guillemots. If a guy ever sang this to me, I'd just melt right there.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I'd rather cry with you than smile with someone else
Day 22 — A website
Most of the music I've been hearing for the past couple of weeks has been things I purchased from this site.
I'm exhausted these days and I don't know why. Today our principal grounded one of my students for saying bad things in the hall, I didn't even hear what he said but she spoke with the kid's grandfather this afternoon. Geez.
I saw a video with Megan McCafferty doing some amazing Barryoke and I can only wish to be there one day to witness it in real life. It sucks that now that I have found books that I really enjoy and that the authors of those books do book singings and stuff like that and I'm never ever able to attend :(
I'm leaving because I'm on the phone with one of my best friends and favorite cousin.
Sexy: Small notes on your locker.
Unsexy: Not being able to go to a baseball game cause I finish work at 9pm. Also, wanting to get away from everybody/everything and not being left alone during the whole day.
Song of the Day: If I say by Mike Lombardo
Most of the music I've been hearing for the past couple of weeks has been things I purchased from this site.
I'm exhausted these days and I don't know why. Today our principal grounded one of my students for saying bad things in the hall, I didn't even hear what he said but she spoke with the kid's grandfather this afternoon. Geez.
I saw a video with Megan McCafferty doing some amazing Barryoke and I can only wish to be there one day to witness it in real life. It sucks that now that I have found books that I really enjoy and that the authors of those books do book singings and stuff like that and I'm never ever able to attend :(
I'm leaving because I'm on the phone with one of my best friends and favorite cousin.
Sexy: Small notes on your locker.
Unsexy: Not being able to go to a baseball game cause I finish work at 9pm. Also, wanting to get away from everybody/everything and not being left alone during the whole day.
Song of the Day: If I say by Mike Lombardo
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten...
Today I:
Got up at ungodly hours to go pick up my brand new passport, I remember thinking when I was a little girl, this ugly green thing will get me places, so far it has only taken me to Texas XD But it's alright because I love it.
Then on the ride back home I saw a boat! Haha it's very strange for me to see a boat because we live in the middle of a fugging desert, which probably explains my fascination with rain. I wish it'd rain again tomorrow.
I was worried about not recieving emails from the program, but today I got two; one from the materials team and another from a presentation team. I have no idea what we're going to do, the closer the date gets the more freaked out I am. I was thinking about asking for more hours at work, but with these projects I'm not sure how much free time I'll have to teach more classes.
Day 21 — A recipe
I'll give you the link, it's HERE. It's a recipe for one of my favorite drinks, Horchata :)
It's refreshing and sweet and lovely. If you have never tried it, please do.
I'm off cause I'm tired and this is already late.
Sexy: Food from Las Alitas. If it wasn't for the service, it'd be my favorite restaurant.
Unsexy: Gossip at work, when things get too serious, who knows what's in the future for us.
Song of the day: Going with today's theme, Horchata by Vampire Weekend, I'm not sure what it means, but I think it's a refreshing sound and it just always make me smile. You can download it from free at their site.
Got up at ungodly hours to go pick up my brand new passport, I remember thinking when I was a little girl, this ugly green thing will get me places, so far it has only taken me to Texas XD But it's alright because I love it.
Then on the ride back home I saw a boat! Haha it's very strange for me to see a boat because we live in the middle of a fugging desert, which probably explains my fascination with rain. I wish it'd rain again tomorrow.
I was worried about not recieving emails from the program, but today I got two; one from the materials team and another from a presentation team. I have no idea what we're going to do, the closer the date gets the more freaked out I am. I was thinking about asking for more hours at work, but with these projects I'm not sure how much free time I'll have to teach more classes.
Day 21 — A recipe
I'll give you the link, it's HERE. It's a recipe for one of my favorite drinks, Horchata :)
It's refreshing and sweet and lovely. If you have never tried it, please do.
I'm off cause I'm tired and this is already late.
Sexy: Food from Las Alitas. If it wasn't for the service, it'd be my favorite restaurant.
Unsexy: Gossip at work, when things get too serious, who knows what's in the future for us.
Song of the day: Going with today's theme, Horchata by Vampire Weekend, I'm not sure what it means, but I think it's a refreshing sound and it just always make me smile. You can download it from free at their site.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
we'd go to new york, to timbuktu
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Is Youtube considered a hobby?
Haha I've been watching too many videos lately, I wish I had enough confidence to make videos about my life and put them out there for the world to see.
Sultanes lost today, but apparently it was still a pretty good game so I might watch it later.
Tomorrow I have to get up extra early and go pick up my passport and then scan it and send it to mexico city. That should be fun... not.
Another thing that I love:

&hearts xkcd :)
Sexy: My direct superior at work watched one of my classes today. He said he couldn't find anything wrong with it :)
Unsexy: We have training yet again this Friday. Sigh.
Song of the day: Simple Enough by NeverShoutNever! I love how simple yet so lovely his songs are.
Is Youtube considered a hobby?
Haha I've been watching too many videos lately, I wish I had enough confidence to make videos about my life and put them out there for the world to see.
Sultanes lost today, but apparently it was still a pretty good game so I might watch it later.
Tomorrow I have to get up extra early and go pick up my passport and then scan it and send it to mexico city. That should be fun... not.
Another thing that I love:
&hearts xkcd :)
Sexy: My direct superior at work watched one of my classes today. He said he couldn't find anything wrong with it :)
Unsexy: We have training yet again this Friday. Sigh.
Song of the day: Simple Enough by NeverShoutNever! I love how simple yet so lovely his songs are.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I love...
msn convos.
I'm always away but that's because sometimes I'm talking with some people who demand most of my attention. For example, if I were to see my cousin logged in I'd definitely talk to her over my co-workers because I don't see her everyday like I see them and because I enjoy more talking about stupid things with a person that means a lot than complaining about work with people who share the same feeling.
I have a million videos to watch on youtube so I'm gonna make this realy short. Hope you had a great Monday, look at it this way, we made it through today :)
Sexy: Guys who love the Beatles as much as you do.
Unsexy: Strange students.
Song of the day: Hey Molly by Mike Lombardo. I ADORE this song. I can't tell you how much I love the idea of a guy singing this to me. The Zelda theme song part? *Swoon* I fell asleep listening to it on repeat for almost two weeks after I heard it for the first time.
Ok to stop the obsessing part,
Mike Lombardo is releasing a CD with the studio version of this song, Songs for a New Day at DFTBA records. I'm planning on buying it as soon as I can, you should too, it's good music.
I'm always away but that's because sometimes I'm talking with some people who demand most of my attention. For example, if I were to see my cousin logged in I'd definitely talk to her over my co-workers because I don't see her everyday like I see them and because I enjoy more talking about stupid things with a person that means a lot than complaining about work with people who share the same feeling.
I have a million videos to watch on youtube so I'm gonna make this realy short. Hope you had a great Monday, look at it this way, we made it through today :)
Sexy: Guys who love the Beatles as much as you do.
Unsexy: Strange students.
Song of the day: Hey Molly by Mike Lombardo. I ADORE this song. I can't tell you how much I love the idea of a guy singing this to me. The Zelda theme song part? *Swoon* I fell asleep listening to it on repeat for almost two weeks after I heard it for the first time.
Ok to stop the obsessing part,
Mike Lombardo is releasing a CD with the studio version of this song, Songs for a New Day at DFTBA records. I'm planning on buying it as soon as I can, you should too, it's good music.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
money is what makes the world go round...
"Hello, welcome to day 18," she said not sounding too enthusiastically about it...
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Today, I'm worried. I'm worried about money to be exact.
After all the emotional rollercoaster I was in last week, I have now my spot secure (supposedly) and now I'm completely freaking out because we have to design didactic material, plan a presentation and talk about each other's states. I'm not good at that.
Then the financial support we were supposed to recieve to pay for plane tickets, accomodation and well, food; is not going to be in my hands until I buy the tickets myself and they have proof that I'm actually spending the money on that. WTF If I had the money to be buying plane tickets to Europe I'd have gone there on vacation already and wouldnt be looking for jobs there as a way to support myself while I get to know the place.
I'm not sure if I'll make it, my parents said we could sell my old car, which my dad has been using since his car broke down. And we still have mom's truck so we wouldn't be on foot all the fricking time. I might sell a few things, I might sell my guitar :( which makes me even more depressed than not going to the UK.
Now I'm thinking that if I get enough money to buy the tickets and pay for my first month there (because I wouldn't be getting paid til after one month) then that's great. If I don't then that's cool, I won't beat myself up because of that. Who knows I might use what we make to go to the HP park in Florida with my family. :)
I just don't know what to do anymore. Do I still really want to go?
Sexy: Youtube musicians, especially British Youtube musicians. More especifically, this one. Why, yes, Dave. I AM alright.
Unsexy: Realizing you might gonna have to worry about nickels and dimes for the next year or so of your life.
Song of the day: What's Wrong by Blue Skies. "I hope you're not looking for sympathy, darling" ;)
ETA: Tracyanne Campbell is so badass, I want to be like her when I grow up, also, her dress HERE? fabulous
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Today, I'm worried. I'm worried about money to be exact.
After all the emotional rollercoaster I was in last week, I have now my spot secure (supposedly) and now I'm completely freaking out because we have to design didactic material, plan a presentation and talk about each other's states. I'm not good at that.
Then the financial support we were supposed to recieve to pay for plane tickets, accomodation and well, food; is not going to be in my hands until I buy the tickets myself and they have proof that I'm actually spending the money on that. WTF If I had the money to be buying plane tickets to Europe I'd have gone there on vacation already and wouldnt be looking for jobs there as a way to support myself while I get to know the place.
I'm not sure if I'll make it, my parents said we could sell my old car, which my dad has been using since his car broke down. And we still have mom's truck so we wouldn't be on foot all the fricking time. I might sell a few things, I might sell my guitar :( which makes me even more depressed than not going to the UK.
Now I'm thinking that if I get enough money to buy the tickets and pay for my first month there (because I wouldn't be getting paid til after one month) then that's great. If I don't then that's cool, I won't beat myself up because of that. Who knows I might use what we make to go to the HP park in Florida with my family. :)
Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Do I still really want to go?
Sexy: Youtube musicians, especially British Youtube musicians. More especifically, this one. Why, yes, Dave. I AM alright.
Unsexy: Realizing you might gonna have to worry about nickels and dimes for the next year or so of your life.
Song of the day: What's Wrong by Blue Skies. "I hope you're not looking for sympathy, darling" ;)
ETA: Tracyanne Campbell is so badass, I want to be like her when I grow up, also, her dress HERE? fabulous
Saturday, April 17, 2010
And, in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.
I almost forgot I had to do this today :)
Today I:
Was woken up TWICE, first in the morning by my mother because she came into my room to ask me if I wasn't going to work on the first day when I stopped working on saturdays. UGH the second time bye the phone, nobody but my sister was home and she was outside drying my dog cause it started raining and it was outside, so she didn't hear the phone and the person calling let it ring about 20 times. >.<
But then all was well when my uncle, aunt and two lovely little cousins came over. I swear my cousin Gabriel is one of the cutest things on the planet, I'd give anything to hear him laugh all the time.
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Melting words by Kotama Bouabane.

I love this series.
Sexy: Jim Sturgess
Unsexy: Not getting enough sleep.
Song of the day: The End by The Beatles.
Today I:
Was woken up TWICE, first in the morning by my mother because she came into my room to ask me if I wasn't going to work on the first day when I stopped working on saturdays. UGH the second time bye the phone, nobody but my sister was home and she was outside drying my dog cause it started raining and it was outside, so she didn't hear the phone and the person calling let it ring about 20 times. >.<
But then all was well when my uncle, aunt and two lovely little cousins came over. I swear my cousin Gabriel is one of the cutest things on the planet, I'd give anything to hear him laugh all the time.
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Melting words by Kotama Bouabane.
I love this series.
"I love words
Written, spoken, thought and read. There is just something about words put together. They have power. They can hurt and they can heal. They are life and they are death. Words are magic if you ask me."
Sexy: Jim Sturgess
Unsexy: Not getting enough sleep.
Song of the day: The End by The Beatles.
Friday, April 16, 2010
tired tired tired
Today I:
Went to get my passport and got hit on not only by the guy recieving my papers but by the father of a kid who was also gettinng his passport. Gross. Went to work and told my boss I'm leaving soon :( it feels so real now, I'm so scared.
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Take Tomorrow by Butch Walker
First Day of my life by Bright Eyes
Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams
Probably more but these are the first three that came to my mind. &hearts
Sexy: Chocolate cake. Or just chocolate itself.
Unsexy: Waking up early on the only day when you can wake up at any time, to answer an unwanted phone call. Also, being so tired from waking up early that you miss one dear friend's bday dinner.
Song of the day: Holding on by Alex Day. My favorite youtuber ever. :)
Went to get my passport and got hit on not only by the guy recieving my papers but by the father of a kid who was also gettinng his passport. Gross. Went to work and told my boss I'm leaving soon :( it feels so real now, I'm so scared.
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Take Tomorrow by Butch Walker
First Day of my life by Bright Eyes
Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams
Probably more but these are the first three that came to my mind. &hearts
Sexy: Chocolate cake. Or just chocolate itself.
Unsexy: Waking up early on the only day when you can wake up at any time, to answer an unwanted phone call. Also, being so tired from waking up early that you miss one dear friend's bday dinner.
Song of the day: Holding on by Alex Day. My favorite youtuber ever. :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
And all was well...
After all the hassle and freaking out I went through yesterday, today I'm so much better. Let me break it down for you, when such huge tragedies occur in my life, first I panic and can't function properly, I refuse to eat anything because just the thought of food makes me sick. Then I weep uncontrollably, I almost never cry, so when there is a reason for me to cry, I cry rivers. Then after crying and much more freaking out, I take a shower, then I sleep, for as long as I can, for as long as I can make myself sleep. Then I wake up and eat because I'm having a headache for not eating earlier and for all the crying. After eating like a pig I feel somewhat functional and can restart semi-normal life again.
That was my night yesterday, today I woke up to my mother asking me every 15 minutes if I had checked my email already. Then best friend came over and brought me some jello, she like I do, goes to food for comfort. Before I knew it, it was time to go to work, dad told me on the way to work how God has a way for everything, if I didn't go it was because I wasn't meant to go in the first place, I wanted to start crying in the van all over again. Then he told me how he once had to convience my godfather during one night not to let his girlfriend at that point, who would later become my godmather, not to get an abortion. He said that they even offered to take the baby and adopt her themselves even tho they weren't even married at that time. Luckly my godparents decided to keep the baby and they're married now and have like other 5 children.
I lost track of why that story was relevant to what I was feeling at that moment so you get to experience the same.
I got an email this afternoon from someone from the program, apparently they had misspelled my email instead of 'hotmail' it read '' haven't this people heard about COPY & PASTE???
Anyway, I'm supposed to be calling them tomorrow morning and getting all the info then. I hope hope hope this is it now. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Sexy: Believe it or not, even tho I hate them with all that I am, and this might just be the only one time you hear me saying it, typos.
Unsexy: Freaky old guys telling you not to be absent from class anymore cause they missed you so.
Song of the day: I just laugh by Never shout never. He sings about love &hearts &hearts &hearts
That was my night yesterday, today I woke up to my mother asking me every 15 minutes if I had checked my email already. Then best friend came over and brought me some jello, she like I do, goes to food for comfort. Before I knew it, it was time to go to work, dad told me on the way to work how God has a way for everything, if I didn't go it was because I wasn't meant to go in the first place, I wanted to start crying in the van all over again. Then he told me how he once had to convience my godfather during one night not to let his girlfriend at that point, who would later become my godmather, not to get an abortion. He said that they even offered to take the baby and adopt her themselves even tho they weren't even married at that time. Luckly my godparents decided to keep the baby and they're married now and have like other 5 children.
I lost track of why that story was relevant to what I was feeling at that moment so you get to experience the same.
I got an email this afternoon from someone from the program, apparently they had misspelled my email instead of 'hotmail' it read '' haven't this people heard about COPY & PASTE???
Anyway, I'm supposed to be calling them tomorrow morning and getting all the info then. I hope hope hope this is it now. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Sexy: Believe it or not, even tho I hate them with all that I am, and this might just be the only one time you hear me saying it, typos.
Unsexy: Freaky old guys telling you not to be absent from class anymore cause they missed you so.
Song of the day: I just laugh by Never shout never. He sings about love &hearts &hearts &hearts
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Good times, for a change...
When I was a little girl, one day, my aunt and uncle came over, we dont get along that well so we dont get to see them that often. That day they came with my two cousins, we played with my sister's and my dolls and we finished and put them all in their place. As they were leaving, i noticed all my toys and dolls were in the floor of my room, like if someone had been searching for something, I went to tell my mom, my aunt and uncle heard and asked my cousin to empty her pockets right in front of everybody.
They just made her give them back, and say a very forced "I'm sorry," She still took some of them since I couldn't find them, and she showed no regret when they asked her to give them back. I, on the other hand, felt completely terrible. I felt bad because I not only had stopped her from taking them, but exposed her in front of our family. That day was a Saturday, I remember very well because the next day we went to church, and during mass I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt THAT bad. When my parents asked me why I was crying I told them and I remember my dad telling me "You should not be crying, because did NOTHING wrong." They bought me cotton candy after chruch that day.
This has stayed with me for so long, the mistake was NOT mine. I get so obsessed with things some times and I'm really hard on myself, so I sometimes need someone to tell me I did nothing wrong, there was nothing else that could have been done better.
I hadn't talked so much about it, but I applied to go on a teacher exchange program with the British Council and the SEP from Mexico. I had all the requirements, I filled out applications, I finally paid and got my college degree for this thing. In February I had an interview and I actually got the job.
I didn't want to talk too much about it because I didn't know exactly where I would be sent, or when I'd leave. They said they would give us more instructions on an email later, I emailed them yesterday because I hadn't recieved anything yet, they now said there was a meeting on Monday, which I didn't assist or watched on a skype conference, and that I had lost my spot completely. Irrevocable, that's the word they used.
Today was supposed to be a happy day, I was supposed to go to a party, a presentation from a soap opera that two of my cousins are in, I even got someone to cover for me at work, but after reading that I couldn't make myself to go.
I've been crying all day and sending emails to every single email in the office that I could find, I'm going to give them a call tomorrow, I got my hopes up SO high.
I often say I want material things, but I can happily live without them. This was something big, something that I really really wanted, something that was going to be for me and only me. (And maybe perhaps the students that I would have gotten, if I actually made an impact in their lives) And now that there are a lot of possibilities that I might NOT go ( I still haven't lost ALL hope, not just yet) I don't know what to do with myself.
I keep repeating to myself what my dad told me that day at chruch I did nothing wrong, the mistake was not mine. And that is the only thing that is going to help me get some sleep tonight.
Depressedly yours,
Sexy: I won't use sexy, but "cute" today, so ...Cute: the students in my class today, I often moan and complain about them, but they were the only thing that made me smile today.
Unsexy: Go back and read this whole post.
Song of the day: You get two today; Please, please, please, let me get what I want by the Smiths, I've been singing Morrisey all day and so far it hasn't worked. And Come pick me up by Ryan Adams, this is my song for when I feel down, obviously but for different situations, but still I feel some comfort by listening to it.
They just made her give them back, and say a very forced "I'm sorry," She still took some of them since I couldn't find them, and she showed no regret when they asked her to give them back. I, on the other hand, felt completely terrible. I felt bad because I not only had stopped her from taking them, but exposed her in front of our family. That day was a Saturday, I remember very well because the next day we went to church, and during mass I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt THAT bad. When my parents asked me why I was crying I told them and I remember my dad telling me "You should not be crying, because did NOTHING wrong." They bought me cotton candy after chruch that day.
This has stayed with me for so long, the mistake was NOT mine. I get so obsessed with things some times and I'm really hard on myself, so I sometimes need someone to tell me I did nothing wrong, there was nothing else that could have been done better.
I hadn't talked so much about it, but I applied to go on a teacher exchange program with the British Council and the SEP from Mexico. I had all the requirements, I filled out applications, I finally paid and got my college degree for this thing. In February I had an interview and I actually got the job.
I didn't want to talk too much about it because I didn't know exactly where I would be sent, or when I'd leave. They said they would give us more instructions on an email later, I emailed them yesterday because I hadn't recieved anything yet, they now said there was a meeting on Monday, which I didn't assist or watched on a skype conference, and that I had lost my spot completely. Irrevocable, that's the word they used.
Today was supposed to be a happy day, I was supposed to go to a party, a presentation from a soap opera that two of my cousins are in, I even got someone to cover for me at work, but after reading that I couldn't make myself to go.
I've been crying all day and sending emails to every single email in the office that I could find, I'm going to give them a call tomorrow, I got my hopes up SO high.
I often say I want material things, but I can happily live without them. This was something big, something that I really really wanted, something that was going to be for me and only me. (And maybe perhaps the students that I would have gotten, if I actually made an impact in their lives) And now that there are a lot of possibilities that I might NOT go ( I still haven't lost ALL hope, not just yet) I don't know what to do with myself.
I keep repeating to myself what my dad told me that day at chruch I did nothing wrong, the mistake was not mine. And that is the only thing that is going to help me get some sleep tonight.
Depressedly yours,
Sexy: I won't use sexy, but "cute" today, so ...Cute: the students in my class today, I often moan and complain about them, but they were the only thing that made me smile today.
Unsexy: Go back and read this whole post.
Song of the day: You get two today; Please, please, please, let me get what I want by the Smiths, I've been singing Morrisey all day and so far it hasn't worked. And Come pick me up by Ryan Adams, this is my song for when I feel down, obviously but for different situations, but still I feel some comfort by listening to it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What if my life was a preview box, and I could change the channel whenever I want?
I usually read hayleyghoover's blog and kristina horner's blog before coming to post something here and I decided to stop doing that, because anything they do sounds intersting or more like they make it sound so interesting that even if I have something interesting to say I know it won't sound as good as anything I have just read.
So hello and welcome to day 13!
Today is:
Day 13 — A fictional book
Lately, I cannot think about anything else but Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Now I know I have explained this but I'll do it again. I usually buy things online and have them delivered to my aunt's house in Texas, because that way I'm sure I they will recieve them that if I have them sent to my house, I just KNOW that I probably will never recieve them. For example I'm still waiting on a Blue Skies and RATR cds and tshirts since last year. I consider them lost already.
So anyway, I pre-ordered WGWG and I couldn't make it to the book signing tour David Levithan and John Green had, so I had to settle for watching videos about the events on youtube. They read parts from both Will Graysons and I just loved them. I was a bit worried, I adore John Green and I was afraid that if I didn't like David the book wouldn't be so good for me. Or worse that I'd start reading, wouldn't like it and then went along to read just John's chapters. But that was not the case, I was almost in tears after hearing bits from David's chapters. I just KNOW I'm going to adore this book also. and I cannot wait to actually have it in my hands.
If you haven't bought it yet, go do it. And don't tell me how good you think it is, because I already know.
Sexy: Screwing up at anything and getting told they will let it slide this time because it is you :)
Unsexy: How incredibly pissed everybody gets when it's raining, seriously I'm the happiest when it rains. And everybody complains and moans about traffic and getting wet. Suck it up!
Song of the day: Facts and Opinions by Rook and the Ravens. I think these guys are SO talented and should be really famous,
So hello and welcome to day 13!
Today is:
Day 13 — A fictional book
Lately, I cannot think about anything else but Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Now I know I have explained this but I'll do it again. I usually buy things online and have them delivered to my aunt's house in Texas, because that way I'm sure I they will recieve them that if I have them sent to my house, I just KNOW that I probably will never recieve them. For example I'm still waiting on a Blue Skies and RATR cds and tshirts since last year. I consider them lost already.
So anyway, I pre-ordered WGWG and I couldn't make it to the book signing tour David Levithan and John Green had, so I had to settle for watching videos about the events on youtube. They read parts from both Will Graysons and I just loved them. I was a bit worried, I adore John Green and I was afraid that if I didn't like David the book wouldn't be so good for me. Or worse that I'd start reading, wouldn't like it and then went along to read just John's chapters. But that was not the case, I was almost in tears after hearing bits from David's chapters. I just KNOW I'm going to adore this book also. and I cannot wait to actually have it in my hands.
If you haven't bought it yet, go do it. And don't tell me how good you think it is, because I already know.
Sexy: Screwing up at anything and getting told they will let it slide this time because it is you :)
Unsexy: How incredibly pissed everybody gets when it's raining, seriously I'm the happiest when it rains. And everybody complains and moans about traffic and getting wet. Suck it up!
Song of the day: Facts and Opinions by Rook and the Ravens. I think these guys are SO talented and should be really famous,
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'll be your open tap, you'll be my favorite sin...
Today's topic is:
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
I keep watching Gilmore Girls on tv and can't help to love love love it again. :) It's a strange thing, when I like something I watch/eat/do/read it more than two times and I've had enough, but if I LOVE it, then I could watch/eat/do/read it a million times and would never have enough, my scratched cds, empty fridge and worn out books are living proof of that.
I hate people on facebook that just add you to have more friends, or because you talked to them once, but most of the times I add them back anyway because then the next time I see them the first thing they say is "You haven't added me on facebook!"
I promised pics and hopefully they'll be up tomorrow. Also, it's raining!!! I love how everybody complains and moans about traffic and getting wet and I'm just in my own little perfect world when it rains :) I love going against the flow.
Sexy: Butch Walker in eyeliner :) and epic kung fu movies
Unsexy: Overcrowded classes and smartass students. Like, guess what, darling?! You're the STUDENT, I'm the TEACHER. Please, shut up and pay attention to what I'm trying to get in your head.
Song of the day: Pretty Melody by Butch Walker. I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I adore this guy, how talented and awesome and fantastic he is. He wrote this song about how he met his wife and I just think it's so cute and real. And did I mention how much I love the guy? :D
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
I keep watching Gilmore Girls on tv and can't help to love love love it again. :) It's a strange thing, when I like something I watch/eat/do/read it more than two times and I've had enough, but if I LOVE it, then I could watch/eat/do/read it a million times and would never have enough, my scratched cds, empty fridge and worn out books are living proof of that.
I hate people on facebook that just add you to have more friends, or because you talked to them once, but most of the times I add them back anyway because then the next time I see them the first thing they say is "You haven't added me on facebook!"
I promised pics and hopefully they'll be up tomorrow. Also, it's raining!!! I love how everybody complains and moans about traffic and getting wet and I'm just in my own little perfect world when it rains :) I love going against the flow.
Sexy: Butch Walker in eyeliner :) and epic kung fu movies
Unsexy: Overcrowded classes and smartass students. Like, guess what, darling?! You're the STUDENT, I'm the TEACHER. Please, shut up and pay attention to what I'm trying to get in your head.
Song of the day: Pretty Melody by Butch Walker. I don't think there are enough words to describe how much I adore this guy, how talented and awesome and fantastic he is. He wrote this song about how he met his wife and I just think it's so cute and real. And did I mention how much I love the guy? :D
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hello and welcome to day 11!
I have nothing of great interest to say today because I did nothing except going to a baseball game with my parents and aunt. Our team finally won! they hadn't in the last 2 games I went to, so I decided to support the team and buy myself a jersey. Their colors are white and blue, and I totally love them because the ladies jersey is white and PINK.
My favorite color right now is pink. It used to be purple, then black but now it's pink. I realized this when one day I turned around and saw my computer was pink, my shoes were pink, my sunglasses, my guitar, the box where I keep my cds, my pj's and slippers, all of them pink. Haha maybe I have a problem.
Well, I'm off because I've got some VEDA videos to watch and some grades to upload,
Sexy: Daniel Hinojosa. The reason why I couldn't take my eyes off 2nd base.
Unsexy: Eating too much lasagna.
Song of the day: Belle (cover) by Darren Criss. I've been listening to it non stop since yesterday. :) I want to watch the movie tonight.
I have nothing of great interest to say today because I did nothing except going to a baseball game with my parents and aunt. Our team finally won! they hadn't in the last 2 games I went to, so I decided to support the team and buy myself a jersey. Their colors are white and blue, and I totally love them because the ladies jersey is white and PINK.
My favorite color right now is pink. It used to be purple, then black but now it's pink. I realized this when one day I turned around and saw my computer was pink, my shoes were pink, my sunglasses, my guitar, the box where I keep my cds, my pj's and slippers, all of them pink. Haha maybe I have a problem.
Well, I'm off because I've got some VEDA videos to watch and some grades to upload,
Sexy: Daniel Hinojosa. The reason why I couldn't take my eyes off 2nd base.
Unsexy: Eating too much lasagna.
Song of the day: Belle (cover) by Darren Criss. I've been listening to it non stop since yesterday. :) I want to watch the movie tonight.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Why don't you sit right down and stay awhile?
Today has been a good day. It was my LAST day working on saturdays, hopefully for forever but I might go back in a couple of weeks or so. who knows.
D & D's came over today and made lasagna, and it was so good, and we watched one of my favorite movies EVER, and I managed to stay awake even tho I only had like 2.5 hours of sleep.
I was gonna go out or maybe go to a baseball game but I'm so sleepy I might just take a nap and wait for aixchel to come over or take a nap and go hang out with people from work. But there will definitely be some sleeping involved.
Todays meme thingy was about pictures and I don't have a scanner right now, so I'm just gonna leave that one for next week and turn it into:
Day 10 — Your favorite movie
Now, I have SOME favorite movies. In no particular order:
- 500 days of summer
- Cashback
- Across the Universe
- The Hot Chick
500 days of summer, I think it's a piece of art. I ADORE Zooey Deschanel and I think this was the best role I've seen her do. Besides the little intro where they mention "This is not a love story. This is a story about love." (or something like that) got me the first time I heard it and I knew I HAD to watch it.
Same thing happened with ATU, Jim Sturguess is a darling and anything that involves the beatles equals love. I'm usually harder on people covering one of the greatest bands ever (if not the greatest one) but I think they did a wonderful job with the covers and got the songs to fit as best as it could with the story. I just can't help but sing along to it.
Cashback. I only have one single complain about this movie. Too many boobs. Apart from that everything else is lovely, since the first scene with the break up, to Ben's insomnia which i can so easily relate to, the accents, oh my butch I'm such a sucker for accents, the whole stopping time to appreciate every second, and being in love with an artist. Words can't explain how much I adore this movie.
Last but not least, the hot chick, I think it has more of a sentimental value, I watched this one when I was literally passing through the biggest life crisis I've ever had and despite my friend's nice attempts at cheering me up, THIS was the only thing that made me laugh for a while and forget about how much the world sucked. On top of that, Butch Walker is in the soundtrack. When I was staring at the screen in the movie theather and all i wanted to do was go home and cry this beautiful voice starts singing "Give me all your fear, throw it all away. Think about the good things, no matter what they say, we'll take tomorrow, one day at the time." i just stayed frozen, I knew it was talking to me. Got home and googled the lyrics, I bought LOSC that same week. And my life has never been the same since then. But yeah, the movie was great too, Rachel McAdams is pretty, Anna Faris is hilarious, and Rob Schneider is just the greatest. Also Booger was adorable. Taquito holds such a special place in my heart that I even named my old chihuahua after him/her.
I'm off,
best wishes
Sexy: Summer Finn inspired clothing sets. Also blackboard walls.
Unsexy: That my feet are killing me and 1 day weekends :(
Song of the day: Why do you let me stay here? by She & Him. As if I didn't already love Zooey Deschanel's clothing style, and movies, I also love her folky music and well dancing. :)
D & D's came over today and made lasagna, and it was so good, and we watched one of my favorite movies EVER, and I managed to stay awake even tho I only had like 2.5 hours of sleep.
I was gonna go out or maybe go to a baseball game but I'm so sleepy I might just take a nap and wait for aixchel to come over or take a nap and go hang out with people from work. But there will definitely be some sleeping involved.
Todays meme thingy was about pictures and I don't have a scanner right now, so I'm just gonna leave that one for next week and turn it into:
Day 10 — Your favorite movie
Now, I have SOME favorite movies. In no particular order:
- 500 days of summer
- Cashback
- Across the Universe
- The Hot Chick
500 days of summer, I think it's a piece of art. I ADORE Zooey Deschanel and I think this was the best role I've seen her do. Besides the little intro where they mention "This is not a love story. This is a story about love." (or something like that) got me the first time I heard it and I knew I HAD to watch it.
Same thing happened with ATU, Jim Sturguess is a darling and anything that involves the beatles equals love. I'm usually harder on people covering one of the greatest bands ever (if not the greatest one) but I think they did a wonderful job with the covers and got the songs to fit as best as it could with the story. I just can't help but sing along to it.
Cashback. I only have one single complain about this movie. Too many boobs. Apart from that everything else is lovely, since the first scene with the break up, to Ben's insomnia which i can so easily relate to, the accents, oh my butch I'm such a sucker for accents, the whole stopping time to appreciate every second, and being in love with an artist. Words can't explain how much I adore this movie.
Last but not least, the hot chick, I think it has more of a sentimental value, I watched this one when I was literally passing through the biggest life crisis I've ever had and despite my friend's nice attempts at cheering me up, THIS was the only thing that made me laugh for a while and forget about how much the world sucked. On top of that, Butch Walker is in the soundtrack. When I was staring at the screen in the movie theather and all i wanted to do was go home and cry this beautiful voice starts singing "Give me all your fear, throw it all away. Think about the good things, no matter what they say, we'll take tomorrow, one day at the time." i just stayed frozen, I knew it was talking to me. Got home and googled the lyrics, I bought LOSC that same week. And my life has never been the same since then. But yeah, the movie was great too, Rachel McAdams is pretty, Anna Faris is hilarious, and Rob Schneider is just the greatest. Also Booger was adorable. Taquito holds such a special place in my heart that I even named my old chihuahua after him/her.
I'm off,
best wishes
Sexy: Summer Finn inspired clothing sets. Also blackboard walls.
Unsexy: That my feet are killing me and 1 day weekends :(
Song of the day: Why do you let me stay here? by She & Him. As if I didn't already love Zooey Deschanel's clothing style, and movies, I also love her folky music and well dancing. :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
warm as saxophones and honey in the sun for you...
Day 09 — A photo you took

I took this one on september, 17th, 2007 :D it was the first and only time I have seen the love of my life. But I know it won't be the last.
Today I was kind of sad because JOHN GREEN, only my favorite author ever, is in Austin Tx with David Levithan signing books. AND CAMERA OBSCURA is also in Texas having a gig right now :( I'm kind of bummed that they are so close and yet still so far away from me. I'd have totally gone if I didn't have to work early tomorrow. SIGH
But ONE DAY, ONE DAY I'd see them IRL too. And then I'll be a much happier person :)
That's it for today, take care
Sexy: When boys fight just to get to speak to you. Also when they ask you out.
Unsexy: Saying no to said boy. And also seeing a video of your ex-boyfriend's (who you may or may not still have feelings for) first born.
Song of the day: Honey in the sun by Camera Obscura. I've been obsessed with this song since I first heard it, I tried to teach myself how to play it on guitar but failed miserably. And just recently bought the CD cause it's kind of hard to find here and it was quite expensive too, but I listen to eat over and over and over again. &hearts

I took this one on september, 17th, 2007 :D it was the first and only time I have seen the love of my life. But I know it won't be the last.
Today I was kind of sad because JOHN GREEN, only my favorite author ever, is in Austin Tx with David Levithan signing books. AND CAMERA OBSCURA is also in Texas having a gig right now :( I'm kind of bummed that they are so close and yet still so far away from me. I'd have totally gone if I didn't have to work early tomorrow. SIGH
But ONE DAY, ONE DAY I'd see them IRL too. And then I'll be a much happier person :)
That's it for today, take care
Sexy: When boys fight just to get to speak to you. Also when they ask you out.
Unsexy: Saying no to said boy. And also seeing a video of your ex-boyfriend's (who you may or may not still have feelings for) first born.
Song of the day: Honey in the sun by Camera Obscura. I've been obsessed with this song since I first heard it, I tried to teach myself how to play it on guitar but failed miserably. And just recently bought the CD cause it's kind of hard to find here and it was quite expensive too, but I listen to eat over and over and over again. &hearts
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Or any picture where they're hurting an animal. :( It just kills me to see that.
Butch is AGAIN not touring in Texas. We get no love.
Today is great because my best friend in the world was in my house when I got here :) and because I got a bonus at work. I'm off because I don't want to ignore her.
Sexy: When someone you don't know sees your facebook pictures and tells people you know that they think you're hot.
Unsexy: Headaches. I'm having one right now.
Song of the day: She likes hair bands by Butch Walker. "Throw away your phone and your inhibitions too. there's a hundred dirty things that I wanna do to you..." Do I need to say more?
Or any picture where they're hurting an animal. :( It just kills me to see that.
Butch is AGAIN not touring in Texas. We get no love.
Today is great because my best friend in the world was in my house when I got here :) and because I got a bonus at work. I'm off because I don't want to ignore her.
Sexy: When someone you don't know sees your facebook pictures and tells people you know that they think you're hot.
Unsexy: Headaches. I'm having one right now.
Song of the day: She likes hair bands by Butch Walker. "Throw away your phone and your inhibitions too. there's a hundred dirty things that I wanna do to you..." Do I need to say more?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy

It's a drawing of me by Angie. She posted this one time when I didn't use the internet for a while and they were "looking" for me. I especially love the rock on hand and my "I love Butch" tshirt.
Today a chicken got into our house and my sister woke me up with all her yelling. It's still unusual but she was screaming like if it was a bear instead of a chicken.
Sexy: When you do something good and people notice and tell you that you did a good job.
Unsexy: When you see that person online and you want SO bad to talk to them but you're a wuss and won't do it.
Song of the day: Don't Quit! Not Quite! by HeyHiHello!

It's a drawing of me by Angie. She posted this one time when I didn't use the internet for a while and they were "looking" for me. I especially love the rock on hand and my "I love Butch" tshirt.
Today a chicken got into our house and my sister woke me up with all her yelling. It's still unusual but she was screaming like if it was a bear instead of a chicken.
Sexy: When you do something good and people notice and tell you that you did a good job.
Unsexy: When you see that person online and you want SO bad to talk to them but you're a wuss and won't do it.
Song of the day: Don't Quit! Not Quite! by HeyHiHello!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Attendance could be better, she could have worn a different sweat
I was planning on going to Austin this weekend. I wanted to go to John Green and David Levithan's book signing. John Green is my favorite writer ever and the thought of seeing him in person would make my life complete.

But I realized no one could cover for me this saturday, and I really dont have that much money to spend anyway. So I will limit to wait for my copy of the book and patiently avoid reading any spoilers on the internet. And probably watch a couple of videos of the event because I'm absolutely sure there will be some on youtube.
Days are slow at work because it's the final week and some students havent come back from vacations. Still, I need the weekend already.
Sexy: An entire website dedicated to Lauren Graham's fashion style. :) Now if they'd only make one for Zooey Deschanel!
Unsexy: Sore feet.
Song of the day: Living Funeral by Dance Yourself to Death.
But I realized no one could cover for me this saturday, and I really dont have that much money to spend anyway. So I will limit to wait for my copy of the book and patiently avoid reading any spoilers on the internet. And probably watch a couple of videos of the event because I'm absolutely sure there will be some on youtube.
Days are slow at work because it's the final week and some students havent come back from vacations. Still, I need the weekend already.
Sexy: An entire website dedicated to Lauren Graham's fashion style. :) Now if they'd only make one for Zooey Deschanel!
Unsexy: Sore feet.
Song of the day: Living Funeral by Dance Yourself to Death.
Monday, April 5, 2010
stop me swallowing your charms
Today I:
Got back to work so I'm exhausted.
This girl gave me a pen, decorated by her mother; last class she asked me what my favorite color was so no I have a black pen decorated with pink and brown and blue colors :) Then I told my adult class from the first level that they are getting a new teacher next week (cause we change every month) and they all said they're going to miss me and that they'll ask if I can be their teacher again.
My sister said it wasn't fair how I'm not even nice to them and they still like me. LOL
I forgot to pay my cell phone again and I need to call my dentist tomorrow, ARGH.
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
How can I choose?! I love quotes! I used to fill notebooks with all my favorites.
"I am if you want me to be."
"Bludgers. Nasty little buggers"
"Dere's sadness in the world, sure. But I choose to see the joy. The miracle is that we live. The responsibility of living is that we try to make the world a little better. Dirge, he don't see dat. Best he figures, I cry, I bury myself so deep in grief I become dead myself. Ain't dat easy, mon brave. I love these people. I love Rogue. I choose t' honor their lives an' what dey mean t' me wit' a celebration. My soul won't ever be lost, Dirge--because now an' always, I choose to laugh."
"Why do I need a girl? Are they collectibles now?"
"Heroes are SO last year."
"Don't let your cool stand in the way of being soulful. Life is too short. Too short to hate. Too short to judge. Too short not to live for. Don't let anything or anyone get the best of you or your heart and mind. If you are going down... go down swinging, singing, and loving."
"Hold your head high heavy heart"
“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”
“Hank, you’ll notice I’m apologizing to you for my husky voice but I’m not apologizing to our female viewers. To them I say…you’re welcome.”
"I can do whatever I like. I'm allowed to torture him as much as I want. He's mine."
"We live in the real world where deadlines and expectations are just part of making things work and getting by. How the hell have we let this happen?"
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"on the phone with my heart. i've tied my arteries tight, tourniquet style, just until we reunite and then i'll be whole again."
"I think everybody sees everything on YouTube. I think there's a whole generation of people that wear glasses because they're watching what previously was high definition television on this tiny imitation television, about two inches wide on a computer screen, all fuzzy."
"Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. Love is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it."
"Whether I die today or 50 years from now, my destiny is always the same. It's you."
"Shoot for the moon, cause even if you miss, you'll end up in the stars."
"People are particularly stupid today. I can talk to no more of them."
"may music always be the brightest star that lights up your life"
"I picked my nose when I was little, then I picked music over sports and deer hunting"
"Let me tell u a little story about a man named sshh! Ssh! even before you start. That was a pre emptive "sshh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "ssh!" with your name on it. "
"You remind me of the babe."
Sexy: Boys who can cook.
Unsexy: The first day back to school. Forgetting something important and having to go all the way back.
Song of the day: Keep me a secret - Ainslie Henderson
Got back to work so I'm exhausted.
This girl gave me a pen, decorated by her mother; last class she asked me what my favorite color was so no I have a black pen decorated with pink and brown and blue colors :) Then I told my adult class from the first level that they are getting a new teacher next week (cause we change every month) and they all said they're going to miss me and that they'll ask if I can be their teacher again.
My sister said it wasn't fair how I'm not even nice to them and they still like me. LOL
I forgot to pay my cell phone again and I need to call my dentist tomorrow, ARGH.
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
How can I choose?! I love quotes! I used to fill notebooks with all my favorites.
"I am if you want me to be."
"Bludgers. Nasty little buggers"
"Dere's sadness in the world, sure. But I choose to see the joy. The miracle is that we live. The responsibility of living is that we try to make the world a little better. Dirge, he don't see dat. Best he figures, I cry, I bury myself so deep in grief I become dead myself. Ain't dat easy, mon brave. I love these people. I love Rogue. I choose t' honor their lives an' what dey mean t' me wit' a celebration. My soul won't ever be lost, Dirge--because now an' always, I choose to laugh."
"Why do I need a girl? Are they collectibles now?"
"Heroes are SO last year."
"Don't let your cool stand in the way of being soulful. Life is too short. Too short to hate. Too short to judge. Too short not to live for. Don't let anything or anyone get the best of you or your heart and mind. If you are going down... go down swinging, singing, and loving."
"Hold your head high heavy heart"
“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”
“Hank, you’ll notice I’m apologizing to you for my husky voice but I’m not apologizing to our female viewers. To them I say…you’re welcome.”
"I can do whatever I like. I'm allowed to torture him as much as I want. He's mine."
"We live in the real world where deadlines and expectations are just part of making things work and getting by. How the hell have we let this happen?"
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
"on the phone with my heart. i've tied my arteries tight, tourniquet style, just until we reunite and then i'll be whole again."
"I think everybody sees everything on YouTube. I think there's a whole generation of people that wear glasses because they're watching what previously was high definition television on this tiny imitation television, about two inches wide on a computer screen, all fuzzy."
"Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was. Love is there if you want it to be. You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life. If you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it."
"Whether I die today or 50 years from now, my destiny is always the same. It's you."
"Shoot for the moon, cause even if you miss, you'll end up in the stars."
"People are particularly stupid today. I can talk to no more of them."
"may music always be the brightest star that lights up your life"
"I picked my nose when I was little, then I picked music over sports and deer hunting"
"Let me tell u a little story about a man named sshh! Ssh! even before you start. That was a pre emptive "sshh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "ssh!" with your name on it. "
"You remind me of the babe."
Sexy: Boys who can cook.
Unsexy: The first day back to school. Forgetting something important and having to go all the way back.
Song of the day: Keep me a secret - Ainslie Henderson
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Don't unplug me or just shut me down...
Today I:
Went to another baseball game with the family. These things are bad for me, I spend most of the time eating. They are always saying "Oh, and these doughnuts are amazing! You HAVE to try them!" Or "The pizzas are great! Let me get a slice for you." Sigh.
Today's topic is:
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Favorite BOOKS:
The Harry Potter series. I love the first one cause that's how it all begins. POA because it's the "happy" one, they win the Quidditch cup and Oliver Wood! The opening lines of the Order of the Phoenix give me chills:
Apart from those, John Green. Looking for Alaska is probably the only book who has ever made me cry. I adore an Abundance of Katherines and I'm in love of Colin. I can't wait to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson :)
Then there's the Jessica Darling series by Megan Mccafferty. I adore Jessica and her sense of humor, Marcus Flutie is my favorite male character EVER. BTW I won a signed copy of the last book because Megan McCafferty did a contest on twitter, you had to describe one of the books in six words. Now on the twitter contest I usually give them too much thought and write something that I think is very good and then they go and say "Let's give the prize to Whatshername cause she wrote 1000x entries and lets give her the award for her persistance." Crap. So this time I wrote many entries and won for "They make me believe in love" which I stole from Jessica herself, it's one of the lines of the last book.
My sister asked me if I was gonna be like those people who say they have won a writing award even when it was something they wrote in elementary school, and I might just do it haha hey, the judge was a published author! It has to count for something XD
Aaaand, His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, it's been a while since I've read these but they're great. I love Lyra and Will and the idea of having a daemon and moving between universes. I don't like the ending so much but I understand why it had to finish that way.
Sexy: Marcus Flutie.
Unsexy: Hearing phone conversations from my cousin and her boyfriend. She keeps putting him on speaker and I seriously don't want to hear her sending him kisses over the phone.
Song of the day: Don't Unplug Me by ALL CAPS. Kristina and Luke did a super cute video for the song, go watch it.
Went to another baseball game with the family. These things are bad for me, I spend most of the time eating. They are always saying "Oh, and these doughnuts are amazing! You HAVE to try them!" Or "The pizzas are great! Let me get a slice for you." Sigh.
Today's topic is:
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Favorite BOOKS:
The Harry Potter series. I love the first one cause that's how it all begins. POA because it's the "happy" one, they win the Quidditch cup and Oliver Wood! The opening lines of the Order of the Phoenix give me chills:
"The hottest day of summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing; the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual car-washing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide open in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flower bed outside number four."
Apart from those, John Green. Looking for Alaska is probably the only book who has ever made me cry. I adore an Abundance of Katherines and I'm in love of Colin. I can't wait to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson :)
"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk. Thinking about if people were rain. I was drizzle and she was hurricane."
Then there's the Jessica Darling series by Megan Mccafferty. I adore Jessica and her sense of humor, Marcus Flutie is my favorite male character EVER. BTW I won a signed copy of the last book because Megan McCafferty did a contest on twitter, you had to describe one of the books in six words. Now on the twitter contest I usually give them too much thought and write something that I think is very good and then they go and say "Let's give the prize to Whatshername cause she wrote 1000x entries and lets give her the award for her persistance." Crap. So this time I wrote many entries and won for "They make me believe in love" which I stole from Jessica herself, it's one of the lines of the last book.
My sister asked me if I was gonna be like those people who say they have won a writing award even when it was something they wrote in elementary school, and I might just do it haha hey, the judge was a published author! It has to count for something XD
Aaaand, His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, it's been a while since I've read these but they're great. I love Lyra and Will and the idea of having a daemon and moving between universes. I don't like the ending so much but I understand why it had to finish that way.
Sexy: Marcus Flutie.
Unsexy: Hearing phone conversations from my cousin and her boyfriend. She keeps putting him on speaker and I seriously don't want to hear her sending him kisses over the phone.
Song of the day: Don't Unplug Me by ALL CAPS. Kristina and Luke did a super cute video for the song, go watch it.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
안녕하세요 !!!
Since today I did not do much, except for cleaning, sleeping, chatting and eating (yes, in that order), I found an internet meme to help me write something for everyday! I'm passing the first two days and going straight to today's which is:
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Now, this is an easy one. GILMORE GIRLS. I remember seeing the promo for the first episode, when Lorelai tells the guy at Luke's diner that Rory is her daughter and Rory with her big blue eyes asks "Are you my new daddy?" and I was hooked. I watched every single episode until it ended. They stopped the reruns here, so I have to watch them on DVD, but I only have season 1 and 3 (presents from my sister), I guess she thought it would be funny to give me my most and least favorite seasons. (season 1 is the good one btw) Anyway, for my birthday this year I'm giving myself the complete series :)
Another tv show I love is Roswell. I ADORED Roswell, while everybody was busy worshiping Dawson's Creek, which is good but not as good as Roswell. Anyway, I was in love with Jason Behr and how freakishly in love he was of Liz Paker. I was also terribly sad when it got canceled. Reruns ended pretty soon after, obviously and I don't have the DVDs either :(
Everwood! I almost forget about Everwood, I usually go for comedies but I was in love of Ephram Brown. A sarcastic, musical genius who was completely cluless about how cute he was. Ephram Brown is my type of guy in real life.
And last but not least, Friends. Because it's Friends, almost everyone I know likes Friends. In fact, when students ask me what my favorite tv show is I always tell them Friends because not a lot of people have heard of the other 3.
Now I know all of these have ended so the only things I watch regularly right now is Glee, the Big Bang Theory and American Idol. Desperate Housewives whenever I have the time. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy since George died. And well I told you I started watching Skins online.
Well, I guess that's it for today. I'm off to see a baseball game!
Have fun, be safe, take care
Sexy: Jason Behr, Gregory Smith, and Jared Padalecki.
Unsexy: I dunno. Not having food in your fridge. Not having eaten a single smore in this whole spring break aaand now owning your favorite series on DVD.
Song of the day: One Line by PJ Harvey from the Gilmore Girls Soundtrack :)
Since today I did not do much, except for cleaning, sleeping, chatting and eating (yes, in that order), I found an internet meme to help me write something for everyday! I'm passing the first two days and going straight to today's which is:
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Now, this is an easy one. GILMORE GIRLS. I remember seeing the promo for the first episode, when Lorelai tells the guy at Luke's diner that Rory is her daughter and Rory with her big blue eyes asks "Are you my new daddy?" and I was hooked. I watched every single episode until it ended. They stopped the reruns here, so I have to watch them on DVD, but I only have season 1 and 3 (presents from my sister), I guess she thought it would be funny to give me my most and least favorite seasons. (season 1 is the good one btw) Anyway, for my birthday this year I'm giving myself the complete series :)
Another tv show I love is Roswell. I ADORED Roswell, while everybody was busy worshiping Dawson's Creek, which is good but not as good as Roswell. Anyway, I was in love with Jason Behr and how freakishly in love he was of Liz Paker. I was also terribly sad when it got canceled. Reruns ended pretty soon after, obviously and I don't have the DVDs either :(
Everwood! I almost forget about Everwood, I usually go for comedies but I was in love of Ephram Brown. A sarcastic, musical genius who was completely cluless about how cute he was. Ephram Brown is my type of guy in real life.
And last but not least, Friends. Because it's Friends, almost everyone I know likes Friends. In fact, when students ask me what my favorite tv show is I always tell them Friends because not a lot of people have heard of the other 3.
Now I know all of these have ended so the only things I watch regularly right now is Glee, the Big Bang Theory and American Idol. Desperate Housewives whenever I have the time. I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy since George died. And well I told you I started watching Skins online.
Well, I guess that's it for today. I'm off to see a baseball game!
Have fun, be safe, take care
Sexy: Jason Behr, Gregory Smith, and Jared Padalecki.
Unsexy: I dunno. Not having food in your fridge. Not having eaten a single smore in this whole spring break aaand now owning your favorite series on DVD.
Song of the day: One Line by PJ Harvey from the Gilmore Girls Soundtrack :)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bloggity Blog Blog Blog
Why hello there!
Today I:
Got up earlier than what I have gotten up all week. In fact, I don't even get up this early when I'm working. My parents, Aixchel and I went to see the Way of the Cross (or Viacrucis as we call it), which is a representation of the Passion of Christ. I hadn't gone in a while but two of my cousins were playing a soldier and the other was part of the crowd yelling to crucify him. It was mostly done by teenagers and I have to admit they did a very good job. When I was little I played part of the crowd too, and of course I had to go tell them that.
They set up the crosses in this small hill, and we were worried they might fall at some point but luckly nobody did. There was a moment though, when one of the "robbers" being crucified started leaning to his right; everybody gasped at that point but thankfully one of the soldiers grabbed the cross and didn't let him fall. You should have seen his face of relief when they got him down.
They did the representation in the morning so the sun wouldn't be so bad, but Aixchel and I got sunburned anyway. My mom lost her purse, and we had to go back to try and find it. We went to find a place that had morning tacos but the guy was closing when we got there, he said he had some pork left and potatoes but just for 2 orders for a group of six, so that was a no. Besides we can't eat meat today.
It was already noon and we searched a lot of places to find a decent breakfast but absolutely everything was closed. Just when we had given up and decided to stop at a convenience store to get some chips and sodas, my aunt and uncle found us and said we should go eat at a seafood restaurant. Now I'm not a big fan of seafood, but just being with my extended family, eating and chatting is one of my favorite ways to spend my time.
(If I do end up moving out soon, these are the moments I'm going to miss the most. So I'm trying to get as many of them as I can before I'm gone.)
Then we came home, ate some more, played Wii, took a nap for like 2 hours, said goodbye to Aixchel then watched some TV.
My mum made THIS today, it's like a Chamoy cake roll thingy. She made it with yam bean, carrots, peanuts and cucumber. It was good. I don't know where she gets these ideas.
Oh, and I started watching Skins, it's alright. My sister watches it and I never truly understood the plot but yesterday I was watching this video: and I got interested in it. I've only seen the first two episodes so I'm not sure if I like them or not. I like Tony tho.
Sexy: Men in kilts. No, like, seriously.
Unsexy: Nose-blowing and throwing up. Please, don't do that in public.
Song of the day: Anecdote by Ambluance LTD. I love their sound.
ETA: Today is officially the day to Pre-order Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I can't wait to read it, it's by John and it's SO shiny! You should get it too.
Today I:
Got up earlier than what I have gotten up all week. In fact, I don't even get up this early when I'm working. My parents, Aixchel and I went to see the Way of the Cross (or Viacrucis as we call it), which is a representation of the Passion of Christ. I hadn't gone in a while but two of my cousins were playing a soldier and the other was part of the crowd yelling to crucify him. It was mostly done by teenagers and I have to admit they did a very good job. When I was little I played part of the crowd too, and of course I had to go tell them that.
They set up the crosses in this small hill, and we were worried they might fall at some point but luckly nobody did. There was a moment though, when one of the "robbers" being crucified started leaning to his right; everybody gasped at that point but thankfully one of the soldiers grabbed the cross and didn't let him fall. You should have seen his face of relief when they got him down.
They did the representation in the morning so the sun wouldn't be so bad, but Aixchel and I got sunburned anyway. My mom lost her purse, and we had to go back to try and find it. We went to find a place that had morning tacos but the guy was closing when we got there, he said he had some pork left and potatoes but just for 2 orders for a group of six, so that was a no. Besides we can't eat meat today.
It was already noon and we searched a lot of places to find a decent breakfast but absolutely everything was closed. Just when we had given up and decided to stop at a convenience store to get some chips and sodas, my aunt and uncle found us and said we should go eat at a seafood restaurant. Now I'm not a big fan of seafood, but just being with my extended family, eating and chatting is one of my favorite ways to spend my time.
(If I do end up moving out soon, these are the moments I'm going to miss the most. So I'm trying to get as many of them as I can before I'm gone.)
Then we came home, ate some more, played Wii, took a nap for like 2 hours, said goodbye to Aixchel then watched some TV.
My mum made THIS today, it's like a Chamoy cake roll thingy. She made it with yam bean, carrots, peanuts and cucumber. It was good. I don't know where she gets these ideas.
Oh, and I started watching Skins, it's alright. My sister watches it and I never truly understood the plot but yesterday I was watching this video: and I got interested in it. I've only seen the first two episodes so I'm not sure if I like them or not. I like Tony tho.
Sexy: Men in kilts. No, like, seriously.
Unsexy: Nose-blowing and throwing up. Please, don't do that in public.
Song of the day: Anecdote by Ambluance LTD. I love their sound.
ETA: Today is officially the day to Pre-order Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I can't wait to read it, it's by John and it's SO shiny! You should get it too.
Good morning, good evening, good whatever.
Welcome to Blog Every Day in April, or BEDA. Now, to give you a little bit of background in case you haven't heard about it; BEDA was started last year by one of my personal heroes, Maureen Johnson,. A simple idea, put your thoughts in writing, or in a video, for a whole month. Such a good writing exercise.
Now, last year, around this time I was traveling or maybe too busy but I saw the idea a couple of days later when, being the youtube stalker that I am, watched Alex Day's videos for the complete first week of April. I thought, "this is so cool! I should give it a go..." But then I realized, starting a whole week later wasn't going to work. So I merely sat back and avidly read Maureen's blog and Hayleyghoover's blog and watched all of Alex Day's videos.
I promised myself I would do it this year if enough people were too, and of course this being the internet, a lot of people are doing it too. :) I realize this is like an hour and thirty minutes later, but hey, an hour and thirty minutes later is better than a week, right?
So here it is:
Today I: went to the movies with some friends, ate a whole bunch of mexican food, and insanely texted all day.
Hah, I know it's not very good and it's not a lot, but tomorrow will be better, I promise.
I will also follow Ms. Hoover's example and tell you the sexy and unsexy thing of the day EVERYDAY, and a song recommendation; because I may suck at blogging BUT I think I think I can be good on these 3.
Sexy: Duh, Alex Day.
Unsexy: Dirty, greasy cornrows. In fact, any type of cornrows on nearly everyone but Marcus Flutie.
Song of the day: Get Over It by the Guillemots. IMO Fyfe Dangerfield is a music genius with a kickass name.
Welcome to Blog Every Day in April, or BEDA. Now, to give you a little bit of background in case you haven't heard about it; BEDA was started last year by one of my personal heroes, Maureen Johnson,. A simple idea, put your thoughts in writing, or in a video, for a whole month. Such a good writing exercise.
Now, last year, around this time I was traveling or maybe too busy but I saw the idea a couple of days later when, being the youtube stalker that I am, watched Alex Day's videos for the complete first week of April. I thought, "this is so cool! I should give it a go..." But then I realized, starting a whole week later wasn't going to work. So I merely sat back and avidly read Maureen's blog and Hayleyghoover's blog and watched all of Alex Day's videos.
I promised myself I would do it this year if enough people were too, and of course this being the internet, a lot of people are doing it too. :) I realize this is like an hour and thirty minutes later, but hey, an hour and thirty minutes later is better than a week, right?
So here it is:
I commit to this idea and am determined to create something EVERY DAY in April, including weekends. Every day, I will find something to say. I embrace the reality that there is always something to talk about, if you are willing to take the time to look for it.
I Gaby M promise to blog every day in April.
Today I: went to the movies with some friends, ate a whole bunch of mexican food, and insanely texted all day.
Hah, I know it's not very good and it's not a lot, but tomorrow will be better, I promise.
I will also follow Ms. Hoover's example and tell you the sexy and unsexy thing of the day EVERYDAY, and a song recommendation; because I may suck at blogging BUT I think I think I can be good on these 3.
Sexy: Duh, Alex Day.
Unsexy: Dirty, greasy cornrows. In fact, any type of cornrows on nearly everyone but Marcus Flutie.
Song of the day: Get Over It by the Guillemots. IMO Fyfe Dangerfield is a music genius with a kickass name.
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