Let me start from the beginning... I bought the ticket nearly 5 months ago, I was going to be right up there at the front. Almost two weeks before the concert, I went to my immediate superior and aksed to have the day off, he said yes but I had to compromise giving a course on saturdays for one month, going to the give the children's class (which is from 3-5:30pm) AND finding someone to cover for me (which I still think it's unfair, THEY should look for someone). Anyway, I asked every single person and no one was free to give the rest of my classes so they were all like "Oh, though luck, it seems like you'll have to finish at 9pm here" >.< Now, I wouldnt have cared if I had had numbered seats, I could show up there at 9:30, sit down and enjoyed the show, but I was going to be right up front, and rumors were that the line for the concert had started to form since the night before.
So, of course me and two of my friends went straight to the principal and complained, among other things like material, schedules, money and courses, about the fact that I have been working there nearly two years and I have NEVER asked for a day off, I have gone to work on days when I had family emergencies, when I was SO sick that tears were coming out of my eyes because it hurt so much to even speak; I have given extra help to students for FREE, I have helped in every single school even when they have asked me to, but no, they weren't seeing all of this. So we kindly went and reminded her about it all. Btw, in the case that I wasn't getting the day off, I was SO ready to simply stand up and tell her she could start filling up the papers to fire me cause I wasn't going to show up for any of my classes that day.
Luckly, I didn't have to. Our principal was nice, listened to us and I bet she wanted to smack us on the head at some of our comments but she said she'd work on it and that they'd find someone to cover for me. JOY!
Now, I know it sounds a bit unrational to be thinking about quitting a job over a concert but there has been so many little details that we just had to say them.
So I showed up, had a meeting with the parents of my kids, gave a class that I don't even rememeber at this point because I was so excited to go. I finished and rushed to the teacher's room to leave all my material, then one of my adult students comes up to me asking to take the final exam he SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THE WEEK BEFORE. I almost tell him to forget it right there but little old me when and got the things to have the oral exam. That lasted less than 5 minutes that in my mind was almost like 30... ran and went to change my clothes cause there was no way I was going to stand that many hours in a concert wearing heels and my uniform.
I was running towards the electric stairs with diego when one of my kids walks up to me hugs me and starts running along with us. "Where are you going?", she asked. "To a concert!", I yelled back. "But where?", she replied. "To a concert!", was all I could manage to say as we were going up and she ran under the stairs. So many distractions, so little time.
We got to the stadium, got a decent spot, I had to stand on my tippy toes to see okay but I didn't mind. diego being his enourmous self could see everything alright. "They turned the little TV on! can you see it? It's right there." - "No! I can't see it. I can barely see the stage!" This went on everytime they brought a new instrument out or when they unveiled "the bell". We sat down, and bought some pizza, I dropped it when they moved a couple of meters to the front.
LeBaron started and I thought they were utterly crap live. And taking into consideration the comments I heard around me, I wasn't alone. Then Bat for Lashes got on the stage and they gave a decent show, cool alternative sound, I thought the singer was lovely, mostly because she reminded me of Soko, and I ADORE Soko. But after 5 songs I was ready for them to get OFF the stage and let Coldplay begin.
And at 9:45 they did; first, Life in Techinicolor, such a cool start. Then Clocks, In my place and Yellow (SUCH a good one), one after the other and I was in pure joy and happiness and totally forgot about what a crappy day I had had. A couple more then Fix You, this song means a lot, and all I could think of was Audrey singing it along in my living room. :)
Then the remix versions of God put a smile... and talk, I was waiting for these two. :) But it was hearing an acoustic Shiver what almost brought me to tears, by far my favorite of the night. Next Politik, Lovers in Japan and Death... for the encore The Scientist. Such a treat. I know I'm missing more but those are the ones my brain registrated in the correct order.
There were moments when I looked around and couldn't see diego, he ended up a couple of meters behind me at some points. Aside from that, I was stepped on, elbowed, groped, and to today I'm still finding bruises on my legs and arms. But it was amazing and lovely and unbelievable. Definitely one of the top 3 concerts I have ever been to, I know some people will kill me for saying top 3, but you haven't been to as many concerts as I have, haven't you? ;)
I kept looking at Guy all the time, I specifically told my friends I was going to stand at the right side of the stage because that's his position. He kept touching his hair, like if checking if it was alright. SO lovely, he's even more handsome in person.
Definitely one of the best nights ever, the only thing I regret was not being able to get one of these:
But I definitely got a poster and a shirt and some different coloured butterflies which I will keep forever :D There is just something about live music that has a very positive energy which I love. And coming from such a great band, with a top quality show, I'd have paid double to see it.
And to top it all, we are getting the LRLR cd for free! As a little present from the band.
I still can't talk about the good news, although everybody seems to know already. But it's because I still don't know many details. But anyway, song of the week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQcsYdRPhgo
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