October 23rd, 11:31p.m.
Woohoo, half term!
The last assistant wasn't lying when she told me that British people love their school breaks. It's only been 3 weeks since I started working and I already have a break.
Seeing as my monetary situation hasn't changed, I couldn't go out on holidays, two other assistants that I know are on their way to Edinburgh right now, others are going to France, or planning to go to London. While I did do good on saving my money, I did not save enough like to go out on a trip. Hopefully, my check will be here soon and I might be able to do something fun next weekend. Next weekend is Halloween! I did forget my costume back at home, but I don't think I'd have used it anyway seeing how cold it is here, and I don't think I'll be buying one here either so it seems like no costume this year.
I did get to go to Manchester this weekend tho. We had a spanish assistants meeting/session with the other assistants from around this region. My mentor teacher recommended me not to go, I was surprised and I asked him why, if he thought they weren't that good and he said that the information they will give me would be the same I had already got before and while I was here, that my travel expenses would be paid by me and last but not least that it was on my day off and he thought it was awful that I had to spend it on this kind of thing. I decided to go anyway, based on the fact that some of the mexican assistants that I met in Mexico city were going and well, on the fact that I had never seen Manchester at all.
I have a friend who lived in Manchester for a while and another friend who went to uni there, so naturally I was a bit excited to meet the city and walk through the streets they once walked, but I must say I was a bit disappointed. The city is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it made me appreciate more the 'little' city I'm calling home right now.
First, the meeting/seminar-thingy, we lost the train, had to get a later one. Once we got to Piccadilly station we didn't know where to go, found other assistants and realized it was Manchester uni, took a free city bus that only took us around the city center and never saw the uni, eventually we figured out we had to go back to the station and just walk 5 min from there. lol The meeting itself was, as my mentor said, pointless. All they did was telling us this is us and this is what we do and we can provide you with resources to use during your classes but oh, yeah, they're in Manchester AND London, which is no use if the teachers I'm working with only tell me what I'm doing either just before class or a day or two before.
What got me a little off was that they told us 'oh, did you know you can use videos/songs/puzzles/games during your classes' I was like, 'no, reaaaally?!' that might have helped guys who this is their first teaching experience but honestly I have planned 5-hours lessons all from scratch, and I didn't even study to be a teacher. Even if they hadn't given a single lesson in their lives, these assistants HAVE taken lessons to learn a second language, they KNOW the type of activities you do in order to practice languages.
On a happier note, we found some mexicans! Haha, it was funny because there were around 10 of us and we inmediately got together, I remembered most of their faces from the mexico city seminar but I had only really met a couple of them. We bonded over the fact that here coke doesn't taste like coke because we don't use the same kind of sugar to make it, 'spicy' food doesn't taste hot at all to us, and even if it does, it's missing a bit of flavour, how expensive public transportation is and how bad the weather is. Hopefully, I might see them more.
After the meeting we decided to get something to eat but only ended up walking around the shops and taking pictures.
-'What's this bulding you're taking pictures of?', said someone.
-'I don't know, but it's Manchester!', replied another.
All in all it was fun, two other mexican assistants and our adopted colombian friend and I had to leave the party to go find our hostal. Now, seeing as I don't have internet, it was A's responsability to find and book our room, most of the places near the center were taken, so she booked something a bit further away. We went around the city center twice on those free buses, we couldn't find Victoria's train station and every person we asked for information was not helpful at all. We got lost and missed our train, one police officer at the station did help us but said the next train wouldn't be there until 10:40pm and it was only 6 and we were already tired, hungry and wet.
So we decided for the bus, but the bus driver, who wasn't nice to us at all, said it was almost five pounds for the ride, again we changed our minds and went to take a taxi. The first one we stopped wouldn't tell us more or less how much it would be to take us to the hostal unless we got on the car. Being from where we are we told him goodbye, and tried to stop another one, this one did say how much and it took us around 25min to get there.
When we first saw the hostal it didn't look like one at all, it was a pub! We almost got back to the street, tired and feeling cheated on when this friendly guy came outside to ask us if we had a reservation, when we said we did, he told us the rooms were upstairs but ours wasn't ready because his girlfriend, who is pregnant, wasn't there at the time to clean it but that he could offer us a very nice room in his other hostal, just down the road. He seemed nice so we followed him, he took us through the back road and for a bit we were scared it was a set up and he was gonna try to murder us all, but he did take us to a very very nice room with 3 beds, full bathroom with a bathtub, big shared kitchen and living room, the only bad thing is that we were on top of another pub and they had loud music, but seeing as it was good music, I didn't mind at all.
We followed Will, that's the nice guy we met, back to the original hostal and he took good care of us, sent the cook to take the order for our dinner, came around every once in a while to ask us how everything was going. Will also seemed interested to know where we were from and he said it was bullshit how the bus driver and the other people wouldn't give us directions and everything. He explained that most people around the city center aren't even from Manchester, that most of them are there because they moved there to study or work and that people from Manchester are really nice, we had to believe him. He even said that he would give us a ride (for 10 punds) back to the city center next morning, that all we had to do was call him and tell him we were ready.
He was also really proud of his pub, he even showed us this back garden that they use 'when the weather is good', he said. They even have a playground for the kids, the garden has a lovely view to the river and then we understood why he was so proud. He sent us back with bowls and more bread and more milk and he even sent us a heather when he saw we were freezing while we walked outside. We couldn't have found a better place to stay, really.
The next morning, this morning for me, we got up, had breakfast and got a ride back to the city center. We talked to Will about the place, how he lived in Italy for a lot of years, how he was going to the sauna to relax a little bit after dropping us off, and about how beautiful yet dangerous Mexico is. When he helped us get our bags out of the trunk he even gave as a present to one of the other assistants a bottle of a 'locally' made beer. I thought it was hilarious, the kind of thing you would expect from a pub owner, to have a bottle of beer just laying around in his car trunk.
We went around the city center, sightseeing and stuff, being tourists and taking pictures. We went to Manchester's chinatown and ate chinese food which wasn't that bad at all. Two of the girls went off to Edinburgh (insert sad face) and the other went off to France to visit her boyfriend, I came back to Sheffield exhausted but happy. I'm planning on going to church tomorrow and do my laundry. I hope hope hope our modem AND my paycheck will arrive on Monday, so I can finally use the internet and buy more food and so I can (at last!) stop worrying so much about both of them.
I'm not sure what I'm doing next week, probably sleep, plan some activities for the kids, catch up on my tv shows and more sleep but who knows, I might change my mind once we get there.
Sexy: Half break. What can I say, not only British people love their vacations, I love them as well. Also, these crepes my French housemate gave me, SO good. I might not like her that much for certain things that I won't say here, but she's redeeming herself with these kicking-ass crepes.
Unsexy: The number of gay guys we found in Manchester. Will told us there were so many of them there, that 90% of guys with facial hair were gay and he was 'guessing' who was gay and who wasn't while we were riding in his car. Don't get me wrong, I love the gays, they're lovely and lively and make everything more fun, but what's a single, straight girl to do in England when most of the guys we find prefer to bat for the other team?
Song of the day: Everlasting Love by Jamie Cullum.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 16th, 9pm.
October 16th, 9pm.
People keep asking me if I'm homesick already, and I feel bad telling them I'm not yet. While I do miss and adore my family, and almost got teary eyed the other day when I saw a couple of pictures of my dad, I don't feel like I need to go back just yet. It might sound silly but I miss my dog the most, but see while she's crazy and can't stay still for 5 min, she's the perfect company for me, one person told me before I got her that you never feel alone when you have a Chihuahua dog and Chikis has proven that right for me, she always seemed eager to see me or to play but when I said goodbye to her she didnt even care, she might have been angry at me for leaving her or she probably didn't understand anyway. It pains me so to be so far away from her.
I moved into my own place a week ago, and it still doesn't feel like a week, it might take some time for me to get used to the house and everything. The first night I felt nervous because I was on my own, this time if I heard any noises I could not blame the teacher I was living with (she's pregnant and sometimes has trouble sleeping or has to go to the bathroom a lot XD) but it was okay.
A couple of days later one of my housemates moved in and yesterday the other one did as well. I think they're nice, we still need to figure out things like bills & the internet and TV license but we might do alright.
Last weekend I went to Leeds with another mexican assistant, I know it's bad I'm hanging out with spanish speaking people but we couldn't help but bond, she is older and has this adventurous side that I really like, especially since I'm totally not so she's pushing me to go to places and see things which I think is all around good but bad for my pockets.
Anyway, there isn't much to do in Leeds, we took a sightseeing tour on a double decker bus, and we went to the armour museum, when I told this to people at my school, they thought it wasn't very entertaining, but I assured them that the museum alone was worth the trip for me, we don't have those kind of things back at home so seeing something so different and full of history gets my attention.
The week was uneventful, I have 12 hours of classes from Monday to Thursday, if I get some time with the younger kids I only help them with the questions for their exams, mostly about their pronuntiation but I only see them from 5 to 10 min, if they're getting new information in class I don't see them at all. I have more time with the older ones but the ones from Y13 are excellent! I feel like I can't teach them anything new but I tried some games and showed them some pictures from my city so it's been alright so far.
Oh and there's something odd in the schools here, I have to fill a form and all my data has to be checked in order for me to be alone in a classroom with them, so the French assistant and I have been sharing the MFL office this two weeks and it's a little uncomfortable, while we're fine and won't mind that much, the students get distracted and sometimes respond to me in French and talk to her in Spanish so it gets a little confusing but I think it's a little funny.
The French assistant is lovely, this is her second year as an assistant so she has taught me quite a lot about the program and buses and even came with me to help me with my bank account, she showed me around the city center when I first arrived and I had lunch with her and her boyfriend in a well-known pub.
Yesterday I had the day off and did nothing but sleep and read all day, and today I went with my friend to have fish & chips (finally!) but they weren't THAT good, and we went to Sheffield Uni, I LOVED that place, it just looks so beautiful I could not help but wish that it was my university as well, they were giving this salsa lessons and as the other assistant knows how to dance very well, she joined the group, they asked me to dance as well, seeing as I'm latina they probably thought I could, but I politely declined since I have two left feet and have never been that into salsa anyway. But it was fun seeing British and Indian and even Asian people dance such a 'passionate' dance.
There are so many things I want to see and do while I'm here, but alas, I have the time but not the money yet, my friend desperatly wants to go to Edimburgh, and while I would adore going I don't think I have the time and I'm not sure when my first check will arrive, so I'll just list all we want to do
1) Go to Edimburgh and see the castles. While the perfect time would be the week after this one, I don't think I could make it with the money, there is a tour offered for November at the sheffield uni's student union but we aren't sure if we could go not being students and all, besides November might be quite cold to go further north anyway.
2) the chatsworth house, while my main reason to go is still Pride and Prejudice* I want to take my time to see it. Again the student union does a tour but around Christmas (december 12th to be exact) but again we must ask if we can join.
3) the theatre - there are a couple of christmas plays (the stick man and the 12 days of christmas)playing in november in the sheffield theatres, we might go to that if it isn't too expensive, The beauty and the beast is playing in November as well, which might be nice to see. But the best would be The Rocky Horror Picture show sing-a-long on october 31st!!! I have always always wanted to go to one and this one is playing on halloween so it'd be the perfect thing to do, but alas, is on october and we don't get paid til the first week of november, so that's still in doubt unless I'm super extra careful with money and save every single penny from now until then.
4) London, the first weekend of november is my friend's bday and her own present was a ticket to London, while I'm dying to go, I still don't know for sure until I get paid, and it would be just for the weekend while I'd love to go during the holidays so I could stay longer than that. Who knows...
Everything's still in doubt and depending on how much I save/how fast my check is delivered and put into my account. I haven't even recieved my debit card yet, SIGH.
I'll try to update as much as I can, but I keep forgetting things and don't have internet yet so I don't know how often I'll write or when I'll put this up.
So, until then,
Sexy: Sheffield University campus during the fall. Honestly, I wanted to marry the place when I first saw it.
Unsexy: How the day can be so nice here and then suddenly it rains even just a little bit, you get wet and terribly cold. Not nice when I just sent my only useful coat to the dry cleaners. Meh.
Song of the day: Some Sheffield pride this time, Def Leppard, Photograph.
*Speaking of Pride and Prejudice, I bought and have just read the book again, I could not help it, it was impossible for me to be so close to Derbyshire and not reading Austen again. Besides the only two books (oh, the pain) that I brought with me are Looking for Alaska, because it was a huge inspiration for me, it pushed me to come on this trip, but I don't read it as often because it always makes me cry. And Let it Snow because I ALWAYS always read it around Christmas time, but I don't want to start it yet, it already is too cold for me here, so it feels christmassy but then I don't want to have nothing to read then. So yeah, I'm still as in love of Mr Darcy as I ever was, I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon. lol
People keep asking me if I'm homesick already, and I feel bad telling them I'm not yet. While I do miss and adore my family, and almost got teary eyed the other day when I saw a couple of pictures of my dad, I don't feel like I need to go back just yet. It might sound silly but I miss my dog the most, but see while she's crazy and can't stay still for 5 min, she's the perfect company for me, one person told me before I got her that you never feel alone when you have a Chihuahua dog and Chikis has proven that right for me, she always seemed eager to see me or to play but when I said goodbye to her she didnt even care, she might have been angry at me for leaving her or she probably didn't understand anyway. It pains me so to be so far away from her.
I moved into my own place a week ago, and it still doesn't feel like a week, it might take some time for me to get used to the house and everything. The first night I felt nervous because I was on my own, this time if I heard any noises I could not blame the teacher I was living with (she's pregnant and sometimes has trouble sleeping or has to go to the bathroom a lot XD) but it was okay.
A couple of days later one of my housemates moved in and yesterday the other one did as well. I think they're nice, we still need to figure out things like bills & the internet and TV license but we might do alright.
Last weekend I went to Leeds with another mexican assistant, I know it's bad I'm hanging out with spanish speaking people but we couldn't help but bond, she is older and has this adventurous side that I really like, especially since I'm totally not so she's pushing me to go to places and see things which I think is all around good but bad for my pockets.
Anyway, there isn't much to do in Leeds, we took a sightseeing tour on a double decker bus, and we went to the armour museum, when I told this to people at my school, they thought it wasn't very entertaining, but I assured them that the museum alone was worth the trip for me, we don't have those kind of things back at home so seeing something so different and full of history gets my attention.
The week was uneventful, I have 12 hours of classes from Monday to Thursday, if I get some time with the younger kids I only help them with the questions for their exams, mostly about their pronuntiation but I only see them from 5 to 10 min, if they're getting new information in class I don't see them at all. I have more time with the older ones but the ones from Y13 are excellent! I feel like I can't teach them anything new but I tried some games and showed them some pictures from my city so it's been alright so far.
Oh and there's something odd in the schools here, I have to fill a form and all my data has to be checked in order for me to be alone in a classroom with them, so the French assistant and I have been sharing the MFL office this two weeks and it's a little uncomfortable, while we're fine and won't mind that much, the students get distracted and sometimes respond to me in French and talk to her in Spanish so it gets a little confusing but I think it's a little funny.
The French assistant is lovely, this is her second year as an assistant so she has taught me quite a lot about the program and buses and even came with me to help me with my bank account, she showed me around the city center when I first arrived and I had lunch with her and her boyfriend in a well-known pub.
Yesterday I had the day off and did nothing but sleep and read all day, and today I went with my friend to have fish & chips (finally!) but they weren't THAT good, and we went to Sheffield Uni, I LOVED that place, it just looks so beautiful I could not help but wish that it was my university as well, they were giving this salsa lessons and as the other assistant knows how to dance very well, she joined the group, they asked me to dance as well, seeing as I'm latina they probably thought I could, but I politely declined since I have two left feet and have never been that into salsa anyway. But it was fun seeing British and Indian and even Asian people dance such a 'passionate' dance.
There are so many things I want to see and do while I'm here, but alas, I have the time but not the money yet, my friend desperatly wants to go to Edimburgh, and while I would adore going I don't think I have the time and I'm not sure when my first check will arrive, so I'll just list all we want to do
1) Go to Edimburgh and see the castles. While the perfect time would be the week after this one, I don't think I could make it with the money, there is a tour offered for November at the sheffield uni's student union but we aren't sure if we could go not being students and all, besides November might be quite cold to go further north anyway.
2) the chatsworth house, while my main reason to go is still Pride and Prejudice* I want to take my time to see it. Again the student union does a tour but around Christmas (december 12th to be exact) but again we must ask if we can join.
3) the theatre - there are a couple of christmas plays (the stick man and the 12 days of christmas)playing in november in the sheffield theatres, we might go to that if it isn't too expensive, The beauty and the beast is playing in November as well, which might be nice to see. But the best would be The Rocky Horror Picture show sing-a-long on october 31st!!! I have always always wanted to go to one and this one is playing on halloween so it'd be the perfect thing to do, but alas, is on october and we don't get paid til the first week of november, so that's still in doubt unless I'm super extra careful with money and save every single penny from now until then.
4) London, the first weekend of november is my friend's bday and her own present was a ticket to London, while I'm dying to go, I still don't know for sure until I get paid, and it would be just for the weekend while I'd love to go during the holidays so I could stay longer than that. Who knows...
Everything's still in doubt and depending on how much I save/how fast my check is delivered and put into my account. I haven't even recieved my debit card yet, SIGH.
I'll try to update as much as I can, but I keep forgetting things and don't have internet yet so I don't know how often I'll write or when I'll put this up.
So, until then,
Sexy: Sheffield University campus during the fall. Honestly, I wanted to marry the place when I first saw it.
Unsexy: How the day can be so nice here and then suddenly it rains even just a little bit, you get wet and terribly cold. Not nice when I just sent my only useful coat to the dry cleaners. Meh.
Song of the day: Some Sheffield pride this time, Def Leppard, Photograph.
*Speaking of Pride and Prejudice, I bought and have just read the book again, I could not help it, it was impossible for me to be so close to Derbyshire and not reading Austen again. Besides the only two books (oh, the pain) that I brought with me are Looking for Alaska, because it was a huge inspiration for me, it pushed me to come on this trip, but I don't read it as often because it always makes me cry. And Let it Snow because I ALWAYS always read it around Christmas time, but I don't want to start it yet, it already is too cold for me here, so it feels christmassy but then I don't want to have nothing to read then. So yeah, I'm still as in love of Mr Darcy as I ever was, I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon. lol
Thursday, October 7, 2010
first impressions
I found a place to live! The locaton is okay, the kitchen is good, my room is lovely, the bathroom is mehh... I still find the idea of sharing a bathroom disgusting but it's not like if I can pay to have my own HOUSE. I move in this weekend, after I buy food and beddings and sheets and stuff. Sigh.
I already had classes with some of the kids here, some of them are lovely but I already don't know what else to talk about with them. And then there are others who just started learning Spanish and they get really nervous with me so I can't actually get a whole sentence out of them, just pieces of sentences, sometimes even words. gaahh... today was really a reminder that I'm not here just to visit, this isn't a holiday, I'm here to work and I want to do my best, so I'll probably have to work harder.
I've been keeping in contact with one of my best friends through emails, she doesn't get to log in that often and even if she did, our schedules are so different that with our luck we would probably never "meet" each other anyway. So I have been writing and telling her everything that has been happening to me, she said my adventures remind her of a british novel, bless her heart, I wish. It's been SO nice to have someone who I know will understand what I'm going through, and who has the patience to read everything I say and answer back as soon as she can, I keep joking and telling her I won't have anything new to say once I'm back, but that's alright cause neither will she anyway.
Sexy: British accents. Just sayin'
Unsexy: Colds. I can just FEEL one coming, and I still haven't gone to register with the GP :(
Song of the day: Imagine by John Lennon. I grew up listening to this, it never gets old.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one..
I already had classes with some of the kids here, some of them are lovely but I already don't know what else to talk about with them. And then there are others who just started learning Spanish and they get really nervous with me so I can't actually get a whole sentence out of them, just pieces of sentences, sometimes even words. gaahh... today was really a reminder that I'm not here just to visit, this isn't a holiday, I'm here to work and I want to do my best, so I'll probably have to work harder.
I've been keeping in contact with one of my best friends through emails, she doesn't get to log in that often and even if she did, our schedules are so different that with our luck we would probably never "meet" each other anyway. So I have been writing and telling her everything that has been happening to me, she said my adventures remind her of a british novel, bless her heart, I wish. It's been SO nice to have someone who I know will understand what I'm going through, and who has the patience to read everything I say and answer back as soon as she can, I keep joking and telling her I won't have anything new to say once I'm back, but that's alright cause neither will she anyway.
Sexy: British accents. Just sayin'
Unsexy: Colds. I can just FEEL one coming, and I still haven't gone to register with the GP :(
Song of the day: Imagine by John Lennon. I grew up listening to this, it never gets old.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one..
Sunday, October 3, 2010
new times
I have officialy been in the UK for almost a week now and I still can't explain how I feel. Nature is absolutely beautiful and the houses and everything is lovely. The family I've been staying with for this short time has been nothing but nicer to me, but I can't wait to move out of here and find my own place.
The first things I bought while being here were a pair of small boots, an umbrella and a hair dryer. I wanted to get a straightener too but I'm trying to save money while being here.
I've already went to the school and met some of the students, but I really don't start working until next week. We had a meeting with the other assistants and it went by okay, we went to get a pint of beer afterwards and some of the girls are lovely, I even met a mexican assistant who also went to the seminar with me! We didn't talk to each other then because we were in different teams but I defnitely remembered her from back then. Everybody seemed so lovely and I hope I get to hang out with them more.
I'm now able to go to the City Center (on foot) and go to the shops and the big ferris wheel, just the main road, mind you, I don't think I could go around all the center. I'm excited and nervous and overall worried, I thought the feeling would go away once I got here but it seems to never leave me.
I miss my family, I miss my dog and I miss the mexican food already. I cried the first couple of days, I got all emotional just by writing an email to my dad, I freaked out the day before yesterday because I couldn't find my passport (which was in my bag all the time I kept searching) but all in all I think I'm alright. I get too happy when I get emails and wall messages from people back home, so if you can, send me as many as you want, I'd love to read them and I'll try to reply back as soon as I can.
One last thing that has kept me going is thinking that maybe by the next holidays I'll be visiting this:

If you know where that is, but most importantly, if you know from what movie that is, I probably love you already. :)
I'd love to go, even if I can't pay to go inside, visiting the gardens would be more than enough for me.
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.” ---
damn, I wish I had brought that book with me, I guess watching the movie will have to do.
Sexy: Mr. Darcy. I adored Mr Bingley in the movie adaptation, simply because he was precious and lovely and perfect, but in the books, Mr Darcy has my heart.
Unsexy: Not having an umbrella while it's raining so hard that you can't even have your eyes open anymore. I seriously don't recommend it.
Song of the day: To go with the weather, Blue Skies by Landon Pigg. Such a lovely song, Pigg really gets me sometimes.
look at the blue skies gone gray
another breath without the girl I like
another disappointing day
ps. I posted the wrong piece in the last entry, too many embarrasing mistakes, the one I sent is up now.
The first things I bought while being here were a pair of small boots, an umbrella and a hair dryer. I wanted to get a straightener too but I'm trying to save money while being here.
I've already went to the school and met some of the students, but I really don't start working until next week. We had a meeting with the other assistants and it went by okay, we went to get a pint of beer afterwards and some of the girls are lovely, I even met a mexican assistant who also went to the seminar with me! We didn't talk to each other then because we were in different teams but I defnitely remembered her from back then. Everybody seemed so lovely and I hope I get to hang out with them more.
I'm now able to go to the City Center (on foot) and go to the shops and the big ferris wheel, just the main road, mind you, I don't think I could go around all the center. I'm excited and nervous and overall worried, I thought the feeling would go away once I got here but it seems to never leave me.
I miss my family, I miss my dog and I miss the mexican food already. I cried the first couple of days, I got all emotional just by writing an email to my dad, I freaked out the day before yesterday because I couldn't find my passport (which was in my bag all the time I kept searching) but all in all I think I'm alright. I get too happy when I get emails and wall messages from people back home, so if you can, send me as many as you want, I'd love to read them and I'll try to reply back as soon as I can.
One last thing that has kept me going is thinking that maybe by the next holidays I'll be visiting this:
If you know where that is, but most importantly, if you know from what movie that is, I probably love you already. :)
I'd love to go, even if I can't pay to go inside, visiting the gardens would be more than enough for me.
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.” ---
damn, I wish I had brought that book with me, I guess watching the movie will have to do.
Sexy: Mr. Darcy. I adored Mr Bingley in the movie adaptation, simply because he was precious and lovely and perfect, but in the books, Mr Darcy has my heart.
Unsexy: Not having an umbrella while it's raining so hard that you can't even have your eyes open anymore. I seriously don't recommend it.
Song of the day: To go with the weather, Blue Skies by Landon Pigg. Such a lovely song, Pigg really gets me sometimes.
look at the blue skies gone gray
another breath without the girl I like
another disappointing day
ps. I posted the wrong piece in the last entry, too many embarrasing mistakes, the one I sent is up now.
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